Has anyone tried????
Hi Sharon,
I have tried popcorn and it was delicious. I just had a small handful. I ate one piece at a time. It melts right in your mouth! I've been hesitant trying new things too. It's amazing how much less of everything I eat. I think my brain is still catching up! Sometimes I find myself taking too much of something and say, "oh man, I can't eat all that" Then I just laugh.
I have eaten it... Made me laugh last weekend when I went to the movie and we ordered a small and I only ate about 2 handfuls and was satisfied.
I seen a lady walking in with her husband and they were both carrying the large.. I MEAN THE LARGE and they sat in front of us and she porked down her entire bag during the movie... I had to laugh because 11 weeks ago.. I was that lady.
I have been told that popcorn (not movie of course) but it isn't that bad of a choice.... better than a bag of chips.

Hey Sharon....I understand the hesitancy!
But I have eaten popcorn with no problem
but like so many others have said...I eat about two-three handfuls and I am satisfied
I dont think that trying new things is a bad thing...it's just like when we were kids and you tried things to find out if you liked them
You are re-teaching your body what you like and can eat!