Had the Mother of All Hernias
Don't hesitate to see your surgeon if you think something is wrong. My PCP didn't catch this, even though I looked like I was 8 months pregnant when I stood up.
I wondered and waited. And waited. And waited some more. My weight loss stalled (I read that this is common with a hernia.)
Eventually all heckity broke loose - literally. I just spent another 7 days in the hospital after surgery to repair a large hernia all the way across my abdomen. Thankfully I didn't lose any bowel and I'm on the mend.
Listen to your body! Just because we are a few months out doesn't mean things can't go wrong.
DS 02/12/05

Jeanie, I'm so sorry you had to go through the pain. Thank you so much for the words! Sometimes we feel like the pain is just a minor result of the side effects of having the bariatric surgery and we disregard it. That's what i did when i was having gallbladder pain. I just thought it was my incision healing
wrong. Also "I" had to learn (because everyone in my life seems to come before me) that I really do have to pay attention to what my body is saying. Get some rest and take it easy. Saida