Reality today vs. 6 months ago
I've been feeling kind of down...that is, every day the scale doesn't move I feel a small failure. Still, I feel a much bigger victory every day it moves, so I won't be throwing it out. When I think that I may have eaten too much or the wrong thing or too many carbs or fat, I have to remember life 6 months ago.
6 months ago...
It was the end of November. I weighed over 330 lbs and climbing. I was constantly exhausted. I could not fit comfortably in my chair at work. I didn't like to drive because it was uncomfortable. I could only wear tennis shoes because my feet and back hurt all the time. I would eat a giant bowl of cereal (approx. 2 cups), a large lunch with a cookie or two, a large dinner (ie. half an x-large pizza), and finish with a huge bowl of ice cream. Not to mention the 6 cans of diet coke in a day.
It is the end of April. I weigh 295 lbs. I don't feel as exhausted anymore. I fit in my chair at work without any pain. My legs fit under the steering wheel with room to spare in my car. I'm wearing sandals and dress shoes more and my back hardly ever hurts. I never drink soda. I eat a half cup of oat meal with a teaspoon of coconut oil for fat, a protein shake, a small lunch of salad and fish/poultry or some turkey chili, a protein bar, a small dinner (ie. shrimp and couscous), and maybe a lo-cal ice cream snack or some popcorn.
Sometimes I feel as if I am doing something wrong when people say that they've lost so much more or that they rarely if ever eat carbs. But I look at how my life and eating have changed because of the surgery and I think I'm not doing too bad. I didn't go on this adventure to commit to a life without carbs or fat or ice cream. Because I will always love ice cream (no flaming!) But, I am commiting to myself and to being healthy. I just have to have faith that this will work. And, kick it in gear with the next stage of this adventure...mucho exercise.
Hugs to all,
RNY 2/15/2005
oh cara. thank you so much for reminding all of us just how far we've come. i, too, have been feeling kind of down - cause i'm stuck alot. and i, too, need to kick it in gear with exercise. but your reminder is so true and very timely. when i think of 10 short weeks ago i realize just how far i've come.
have a blessed day.
Cara...we are surgery sisters...well give or take a day
I am so glad that I am not the only one that is reflecting in this way! I thought I was going
, because I thought that I was eating the wrong things and not losing enough or fast enough!
But your post has helped me to put everything into perspective. Plus, I went to another link this afternoon that helped me to really look at how long it will take me to get to my goal w/ a 800 calorie to 1000 calorie nutritional intake!
32 weeks...exactly two weeks before Christmas and hopefully I will be weighing 147 lbs. and in a size 10.
I am determined to make this tool work for me and I am sure that you are as well!
Good Luck and remember to enjoy the journey!
Shaaron in L.A.

Bravo to you my sweetie! You are so very right in what you said! You are so beautiful and you have an amazing future ahead of you. Keep your head up and I know you will go far in your weight loss journey. I was reading your profile and your sweet spirit really touched me. I want to tell you how proud I am of you and good luck in things in the future.
Love always,
P.S. I just wanted to let you know, I can't do chicken either! (or turkey) I throw it up everytime! I think it is just too heavy right now for us. It does not matter how much I chew, it just comes right back up. I do really good with Ground turkey. That is really light and there is no grease when you cook it. Try that if you have not already. It is really good and it has like 22 grams of protein for like 3 oz. It is amazing stuff!! I use it for everything, (patties with cheese, meatloaf, meatballs...anything like you would use ground beef for.) I get mine at the super walmart, if you can't find it, ask someone, because I know they have it. Good luck and email if you have any questions!