Help!!! Acne Again!!!
i just wanted to let you know that i have not had a problem with acne! but I i have had a prob with mood swings!!! ya ya i know its a chick thing but i did not have them before!!! and my understanding is that our bodys chemistry is changing and running on less and it has to get use to it! im not sure if this is corect but it is what i have read! good luck!
Yes girl, you are not alone!! I have problems with acne too!! I think alot of us do and we just don't know it. I never had any problems with my skin until now. I read a post on the main message board and Tooter said that we need to drink more water. She said the reason for the acne is that the fat we are losing is not being washed out of our body and it is trying to escape any way it can. It makes alot of since to me. I have been drinking more water and I have seen my face start to clear up. Just thought I would share that with you. Congrats on the surgery and good luck in the weight loss!
God bless!