I mean I am literally eating everything that is not nailed down appetite has come back with a vengence
I don't or dump at it is easy for me to cheat!
I have gone to see my PCP and he is happy as a lark ...but I said to him "I haven't lost not one pound in 3 weeks"...he says..."Be Patient, your lab panels look stellar"... (dang it, why isnt there an emoticon for murder on here )
I am so bummed! I am exercising my butt off...literally!!!
I am drinking all of my dang protein ...and I still cant drop the weight
I mean, what am I doing wrong??? Has anyone else experienced this only 8 weeks out from WLS?
I just needed to vent!!! It is just so frustrating for me right now
Very sad

You sound sincerely p.o.'d. you've probably plateaued, as we all seem to do from time to time. i really doubt that you're doing anything wrong, especially since the dr is so pleased with your progress.
I know it sounds cliche, sharon, but try counting your blessings instead. you're not dumping.
your panels are stellar
you're getting your proteins in
your exercising
isn't life great???
take care of yourself.

Well you are not alone. I lost 30 lbs in my first 5 weeks, and the last 3 weeks 3 lbs... I have done no carbs, lots of protein and still nothing.. we figured I was at a plateau (way to early in my way of thinking).... because I was at this weight for a good year or so, so my body wants to level out. Now I am not an expert of plateau's and hope to never be one... but they say that your body tries to level out at a weight it feels comfortable with... so maybe you are at a weight you body is use to???
Sorry I can't offer anything better.. except.. you are not alone!
Highest: 383
Pre op: 361
Current: 327
Goal: 180
these are two very good posts on this subject.
Hope they help!

U so funny
but I know you are not laughing girl. I was told (and I know it was just to shut me up) that some people are dense (whatever the heck that means) and that a plateau occurs because the big flab comes off first. That makes no sense to me. I just figure like medicine ur body has to get use to the new routine. We kinda put it in shock with not eating so the weight came off and now its use to it and its gonna come off whenever it feels like it.
But it will girl. Just seems like these weeks are dragging by and then U go to a scale to see a change and it says the same thing. Been there! but i'm not giving up and neither will U. And feel free to vent as much as U want thats what we're here for,

I know how you feel. I can eat everything that is not nail down too and I don't dump on anything. In fact the only thing I can eat without a problem is carbs and sugar. Plus I'm losing weight too slow. Well to slow for me.
I don't exercise as much as I should. I'll be honest here. I'm one lazy person. And it's bad. I am so bummed out because I watch my friends lost weight faster then me with out any problems.
I just keep prayer and trying. That's all I can do.
Beside we can't let depression get the best of us. We'll lose the weight. Just going to take longer.
I'm home alot because I have been working. But God answer my prayers and I'm going to be starting a job full time. SO with this new job I"ll get off my butt and out of this house that holds me. Plus I just went on an interview for my dream career. Notice the different between job and career.
Shaaron, things will get better for us. I'm here for you if you need to talk. God Bless

Now I don't feel so bad...thanks for posting this vent....but please don't feel sad...I had my surgery on Feb 28th and the first month I lost 43lbs...and then when I went back the second month it was only 13...and I did nothing different the second month then in the first month and I only lost that much weight...and when I step on the scales (which I really hate right now) I do not see it move anywhere past the same point for the last two weeks....I started to get depressed then I remembered that everyone hits a point where they stop losing the weight for awhile...but I am still losing inches..I can tell this in my long as you are doing what you are suppose to and the doctor says that everything is okay then keep up the good work and dont let it get you down....
you are my hero for exercising as hard as your doing now...
I need to do more exercising and it is hard to get my butt in gear to do more then just the walking that I do...
Hang in there - you are not alone...we are all here for you .....many hugs and prayers coming your way.....
Love Ya