its been a while
just want to drop in and say hi not been on here much do to me hurting my back but all is going well from surgery i had surgery on 2-10 and i weighted yesterday at my pcp and was down to 299 that is good i think from being 368 the day i left the hospital from surgery let me know how u all are doing hugs kristie
soory to hear about your back
but even tho you hurt your back your weight loss is awesome!
im doing good, im out 7weeks today, wow 7 weeks already, lol, but im down 73# as of last tuesday, im eating some what decently, i still feel no hunger so i forget to eat :/ im averaging about probably 50g or so of protien, and between 70-100oz of liquid a day. The only thing i have to work on is my exercising :X i just cant push myself to get up and go
im hoping once it isnt so cold and windy around here it will be more enticing, but with the wind its just sooo cold, no matter what you wear, lol
openRNY 2/25/05