Hey, you Feb 15er's!

Carol L.
on 4/13/05 7:05 am - Mentone, AL
Well, we have passed the 8 week mark. How is everyone doing? I have lost 45 pounds, and eat a variety of foods. I have been blessed that I have not been nauseated or anything. I do hate to exercise. I need to do more of it. I am getting my fluids and protein in most everyday. My sister had WLS yesterday! We are losing together! Best wishes to all of you! Carol L
on 4/13/05 7:30 am - Tampa, FL
Hey Carol.. I lost 46lbs and am so happy. My exercise program is very weak- I walk once a day (4miles) and thats it. I am thinking about hiring a personal trainer- but they are so expensive. I found one that is 25.00/hr and he wants to see me 3x's a week....$300.00 bucks per month. I guess once I start and see results I will think its worth it. Well congrats on your continuous weight loss and good for your sister. I imagine it would be easier to do it with someone. Brigitte PreOp 304 NOW 258
on 4/13/05 8:58 am - Bourne, MA
Hi, I haven't lost as much weight as you guys have. I have only lost 33 pounds. I am feeling great and enjoying the compliments. I'm trying not to get discouraged that I haven't lost as much weight as most of the others that had surgery around the same time as me. I am still dealing with nausea at times. No fun there. I am totally amazed about how different food tastes to me. I used to love chicken; ate it almost every night. NOW I hate it! I could live on fruits on vegetables, but that doesn't give me any protein. So, I'm forcing myself to eat some meats. Maura
dorthe H.
on 4/13/05 11:10 am - farmington, MN
hi carol. great posting. i didn't even realize 2 months had flown by. so far i'm trying and able to eat almost anything. my problem is that i need to eat more slowly. and i, too, am having exercise challenges. first the broken leg, now the podiatrist tells me i've got plantar fascitis and it's causing me all the foot pain. he ordered up some orthotics and they should help me be able to walk more. anyway, i've lost just over 60 pounds so far. i'm so, so, so glad i went through the wls. please congratulate your sister and wish her well. take care. dorthe
on 4/13/05 11:17 am - Arlington, VA
Hi guys, I'm dow 39 lbs now. I just had my endoscopy done today and it is amazing how much easier it is to eat! I still feel full like normal, but no throwing up. Yay!! I haven't done any super exercising. But now that the throwing up is over with, it'll make everything easier. Cara 341/302
on 4/14/05 2:54 am - 1 HOUR SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS, MO
I have lost 48 since pre-op liquid diet, 36 since surgery. I eat anything I want, always putting protein first. A few times I have had pain from eating too fast, and I still don't think I have ever taken a full 30 minutes on the 4oz meal. I HATE exercise, hopefully I will like it as I loose, for now I walk a mile 3 times per week, and piddle around in the weight room at the gym 15 minutes here and there. I still have trouble getting in more than 40-50 oz h2o, but doing ok on the protein, 50-60 grams. Deb
Carol L.
on 4/14/05 7:22 am - Mentone, AL
It sounds as if we are all definitely LOSERS!! Congratulations all around! I have no regrets at all and so glad I had the surgery. I do need a kickstart with exercise, though. I bought a treadmill because I was walking outside and the pollen was killing me. Plus I live in the deep South and summers will be so hot. When I was much younger I lost 80 pounds with diet pills and low fat eating and walked three miles a day, rain or shine. Sometimes I even walked the three miles twice a day! I can sure tell I am lots older now and just do not have the energy. I know exercise is the answer, though, so I need to get in there and just WALK. We'll make it! Carol L
on 4/17/05 4:43 am - Hopewell Junction, NY
I've lost 47 lbs. so far. I never thought I'd get below 200, but I'm 3 below! I still don't eat much. Fish doesn't like me, chili doesn't like me, eggs don't like me. I can tolerate cheese, tuna, potato, tomato, chicken, yogurt, cashews. I've gotten so bored with the protein shakes that I don't do them. They were making me nauseous. I try to exercise regularly, but I need to do more. I'm still having problems getting the proper amount of liquids. I hate water.
Carol L.
on 4/17/05 10:37 am - Mentone, AL
Lorraine, try flavored water, or put a little lemon juice in some water. Just plain water is hard to drink. I did fine with it before surgery, but have a hard time now just drinking plain water. You are doing great, though! Carol L
on 4/18/05 11:51 am - Hopewell Junction, NY
Carol, I used to love the flavored water, but I can't stand of that now. It all leaves a funny taste in my mouth. The crystal lite does the same thing to me. If plain water is icy cold, then I can get a bit of it down, but I really don't like it. I tried putting lemon in it, but it gagged me.
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