Hi, has anyone gotten a m...
Hi, has anyone gotten a medical alert bracelet or necklace to wear since they have had surgery? It was strongly suggested to me before surgery and after. So that is what I did and now I see the reason behind this suggestion. Being I am not allowed to have an NG Tube inserted because it will do nasty things to my tummy and should I not be able to tell anyone that I had gastric bypass. Thanks.
I got a bracelet from the piercing pagoda at the mall that is small and gold and a medic alert charm to hang from it. I then took it and had it engraved with No Blind N/G, on one side and RNY Bypass, on the other. It looks like a charm bracelet, but with only one charm. A little more expensive, but nice looking. Chris PS got the idea from another post-op.
Aunt S.
on 4/12/05 12:51 pm - Decatur, AL
on 4/12/05 12:51 pm - Decatur, AL
Very interesting, I haven't even thought about this...and my surgeon never mentioned it. I just went in today, will have to call and ask them about it. Thanks! Steph in Alabama
I just bought the medical alert plate from http://www.medicalidalertbracelet.com/ . Since I make jewelry myself, I plan to make some different bracelets to attach it to to make it to match any outfit. I had it engraved with
Gastric Bypass RNY
2/28/05 Dr. Fabito
Dr. # 314-XXX-XXXX
I can't wait to get it and start making pretty things to wear with it. Hmm.... Maybe I should start making these and go into business. LOL Well... If anyone wants to do something similar, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do for you.
Okay, I'm going to be the party pooper I guess.
I have a genetic bleeding disorder and have worn a medic alert bracelet for the past 10 years (since I was finally diagnosed), as have my children.
I suggest going with the official medic alert (found at www.medicalert.com). Not only do you get any and all info on file, there is a toll free number for anyone to get this info.
I used to have a fancy bracelet with mine and my husband's name engraved on the front and my bleeding disorder on the back. I had a cute little medic alert charm dangling from the side. Well, when I passed out (hemorrhaging from my period, in church no less!) and the EMTs arrived they did not check my bracelet because it looked like a fancy/cute charm bracelet and NOT a medic alert bracelet. My DH was off in the choir room and was not united with me until we reached the hospital. By that time I had come to and was finally able to tell them I had a bracelet and that I had a bleeding disorder.
Since that scare I will only use the official Medic Alert (they do have cute things now, but also still look official). Then if I am unconscious, anyone can get access to my doctors and #'s, my DH, my parents numbers, etc.
All of my allergies will be relayed and the drugs I take.
You also get (for free) a medical card with all of this info listed for your wallet. My children carry one and I carry theirs and mine. My DH has one of mine in his wallet also. (also makes it nice at the Docs office. I just have them photo copy front and back and then I highlight the drug allergies and it's placed in our chart..and as meds change, I update online and order new (free) cards).
I don't work or know anybody who works for the company, I just believe in them.
Well, more than my $.02, but I feel pretty strongly about it. Can't hurt to check out the site (Oh, and the yearly fee is tax deductible, of course.)
Hope this helps someone.

Hey Susi Q - you are not being a downer! We all can benefit from your experience. Maybe we need to make the EMT's more aware. I don't always carry a purse so the bracelet works for me. I have friends that are EMTs,so I'm going to ask questions to see what their response will be. Great Point - Thanks.