Not Hungry?
Hello everyone, I was wondering if it is just me or is others having problems eating? I just am not hungry. I believe all of this water is keeping be full and I'm only getting in about 42 oz. a day, dr. fussing said I have to have 64 oz.
I just don't know how to get in the additional water and then eating. What is up with this?
You got me. You are only 2 days ahead of me - for me to take in 64 oz of water a day at 4oz per hour would take me 16 hours - then when would I get in my protein much less anything else? But to answer your question - no I am not hungry. And would much rather just not eat than to feel the way I feel when I do. Although, after reading the boards, it sound like if we don't push ourselves and get it all in, we run the risk of sabbotaging our weight loss. (I don't think I spelled that right) So really, what choice do we have? I need to get one of those hats that hold beer cans with the straws that come to your mouth and fill it up with water - although I was told I couldn't drink through a straw!
Hey Shelaine, I had to write cuz you made me laugh. I too have a hard time with the water and thought of that idea with the straw. Gurl listen hear, I drink with a straw. I was told the same thing...No Straws. I find I can control my sipping better with a straw, or else I gulp without one. Thanks for the laugh!
Ya know, you just don't know what part of your doc's advice is REALLY true and what is just over-precaution (is that a word?). I did find out that letting a diet soda sit for a while is true. I popped one open one day (with the intention of setting it out) but out of habit, I guess, I took a gulp immediately - OUCH! My first restaurant visit, I ordered unsweet iced tea - it came with a straw and I did take a few sucks on it before I remembered but I was fine. I really do think I was on to something there with the docs giving advice that's really too careful - of course you can't blame them - what with the price of malpractice insurance. I think they take every complaint resulting from every food and drink ever reported and say not to do it or stay away from it. If that's the case, they need to put grits on the no-no list. That hurt me somthin' awful.
I get hungry every once in a great while but generally it's associated with a smell or seeing someone else eat something that looks/smells good. I can't get my liquids in. With my work schedule and home, it is crazy. I don't know how people do it. It's insane. As far as proteins.... unable to do it.
I have had a hard time getting foods to stay down.. big time. I was getting less than 100 calories or so in a per day. I didn't have a weight loss for over 2 weeks which really p'd me off.
After being able to keep food down for 2 days in a row, I lost 2 pounds. WHen I started throwing up again, the weight stayed the same. For me, this struggle has been more of a hassle and pain then the payoff's at this point. I'm hoping that I will change my mind later. Right now, would not redo it. Terri
I don't get hungry and I more or less feel like I have to force myself to eat. There aren't enough hours in the day to eat or drink everything I'm supposed to. Doesn't help that you have to stop drinking half an hour before you eat and can't drink again for another half hour. It was a little easier before I went back to work, but I was still on full liquids then. I thought I did a pretty decent job of eating today, but when I added it all up, it still only comes to 500 calories a day. I guess when you're just eating a tbsp or two of this and that at a time, it's a little hard to rack up the calories. I make my protein drink with milk and that's my big calorie item of the day.
Cathy G.
hi dana: i'm about two weeks ahead of you, surgery wise. two weeks ago i found i needed to vary my fluid intake. i already drank lots of water but i tried broths, sf jello, tea, crystal lite, and sf hot chocolate. it all counts towards fluids and had no calories to worry about. but the fluid intake is the most important thing. keep trying, girl. you'll get there.
good luck
Hi Dana
I'm have a hard time eating and getting water in.
Plus the only thing I want to eat is on the
no no list.
Well that's because it's easy to get down without it getting stuck and making me throw up.
I was told it takes time and in a few weeks we'll be able to eat and feel hungry.
In the meantime it's something new!
So that's pretty cool
Good luck

Hi Dana,
I have the same problem, don't really ever get hungry, nor did I before surgery. I spoke to my dietician about 2 weeks ago and she is counting my protein drinks as liquid as well...why don't you get the pre made Atkins or Slimfast LoCarb, that is the only thing that gets me through...I should be aiming for 4 or 5 daily & before surgery for a year that was all I drank (ate) due to stomach and esophogus pain and then I would drink the entire can within a few min and always drank about 58 oz water ...these days I nurse 2 or 3 cans of protein drink all day, most days I get in the right amount of water. I hope soon I can get in more so I can see the pounds move faster. I'm down 29 lbs, however my doctor did say the first three months there is little we could do to help the weightloss...I assumed he meant it was going to come off anyway the first 3 months.