What is a stricture?
It is a narrowing of a passageway in your body. Here, mostly it refers to narrowing of the entrance to your new pouch or the exit from your new pouch. During healing, sometimes the body will heal a bit too much and food will have a hard time getting through the tiny opening or it may not move through at all. Doctors will usually fix it by drugging you up good, passing a scope down your throat and inflating a small baloon where the stricture is occuring to open it back up.
I have not had one so I cannot say
Others have reported that a stricture at the place where the food leaves the pouch makes them feel like any meal they eat sits like a stone - others vomit right after eating any solids but they can drink fine - I would seek your doctor's opinion to be honest - please be safe and do not take any chances with your health. This is especially important if you cannot keep liquids down - then you can dehydrate really fast and get into serious trouble.
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