Gained 5 of 10 poundsback
It is interesting to read of the struggles some of us have had. My surgery on 2/8 went great. At one week post op I had my energy back and went back to work in 13 days. I started walking the day after I got home, and at 14 days resumed my regular 1 to 1.5 hour workouts. I can tolerate any foods I have tried, eat about 600 calories a day, and can drink a lot of water. My nutritionist told me to have 3 meals of 4 oz. each, taking one hour to eat each meal. The fist 10 days I lost about 10 pounds. Since then I gained 5 pounds back! My surgeon's staff is stumped.
I decided to eat 6 meals of 2 oz. each, and to increase calories, protein and water. I work out about 40 minutes of cardio and another 1/2 hour of weights and stretches. I just don't think the nutritionists schedule is best for me. I am now trying to eat 900 calories, 100 g of protein and drink 80 oz. of water. I am going to try this for 2 weeks, until my 6 week check up.
I am glad I am doing well physically, but I should need to see some results. I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but I will for now, to see if this new plan is helping or not.
Ok, I am done venting!
Don't forget as you workout, you gain muscle which weighs more than fat. You may still have lost the 10 pounds of fat but gained some back in muscle. I would see this happen when I was on WW and started getting serious about my workouts. I would gain weight. Its really frustrating, but you should see it start dropping again soon. You are on the right track. Keep up the good work.
I had surgery on 2/18. I have lost 16 pounds. I haven't lost any in over a week though. In fact, I keep gaining and losing two pounds. This is very discouraging this far out. I am going to start walking tonight. I have been told by others that my weight loss may be slower due to being a "lightweight" (ha ha) and having PCOS, but this is ridiculous. I am very discouraged so far and feel like a failure. Others seem to have such great success their first month with minimal effort. Why does it have to be so hard for us? I am being very careful about what I eat. I have been eating about 600-700 calories a day, which I thought was okay. But, one post-op told me that she was only consuming 400 calories a day at my stage. I don't know what to do other than to start walking. I hope we both beat this soon!
Ruth, I know all surgeons have different eating requirements. I am only eating 1/2 ounce 3 times a day and I feel full. The 2 oz. each meal may help you. Also, I am to stop eating within 30 minutes of the time I start beyond that my Dr. says its grazing.
Your workouts will probably slow your weight down a little because muscle weighs more, but keep it up you will see the inches melting away.
Don't get discouraged, you will do fine.
Ok Ruth, now I understand your post on another message about losing slowly. let me just say that at 2 weeks post op I was estatic with an 18 lb loss. The for two weeks I not only didn't lose, I gained 2 lbs. Talk about discouraged! My Dr. all but accused me of eating too much (like 4 oz per meal, they want me at 2 oz), but I had been following his plan. Well low and behold since March 1st I've lost 10 lbs. How about that!
My friend called it the Neanderthal response which kind of goes like this...OMG, what is she doing to us, there isn't enough food and we are having to reach into the reserves. Shut down production!! Protect the stores!!
Eventually this just doesn't work and you start losing again. Give yourself a chance every "body" is different.
Your post really gave me a lot of comfort, because earlier in the week and late last week, I wasn't losing. Then, I upped my calories to about 800-900 and I'm losing 1-2 lbs a day. I felt bad last night when a friend said that I seem to be eating more than her when she was at my stage. I've now lost 27 lbs, with 7 of those coming off since Monday.
Do you think I should worry about my friend's comparison? It bothers me, but it seems that I'm doing so much better with a little more fuel. Have you received any feedback about the calorie increase?
RNY 2/15/2005