Hey Feb 25th Post Ops
Cngrats, i had mine on the 25th, the friday before yours :D i can and cant wait till my first post op visit, on the 15th, because i do but i dont wnna know how much i lost :D im so scared of the scale, lol. i know its gunna be a loss, but still after all these years of hating scales i cant help but be nerviosu :/
but yeah deffinitly keep me updated on your progress!
Hi Mike,
Just wanted to drop and note and say all is cool here. I had my surgery the day before you on the 24th and I, much like you is very scared of the scale. I have not got on it one time. I can tell I am losing weight like in my face, fingers and in my chest :
: "why there lord, why?" :
: But anyways, all is good. I go for my appt on the 16th so let's keep in touch. Are you still on liquids? Are you feeling like you are getting full? I am not. Hopefully with harder foods that will change. God bless you and I am so happy for you. We can do this together. Email me and let's keep in touch!
Christina :

Hehehe all girls say why there why there! when they start to lose weight :D but i cant wait to lose my boobs, LMAO!!!
but yeah im still on the liquid diet, actually a modified liquid diet, i can purre soft foods like oatmeal, cottage cheese, cream of wheat and such. I goto my first post op visit on the 15th, i can and cant wait to see hoe much ive lost :/ i notice it on my forearms and face, thats it :D
I don't really get full yet, occasionally i get full if i drink to fast...or if im eating a purred food, ill get full. But as a rule i haven't gotten full yet, im scared about all that. But im sure ill be fine.
Im sure we can get through this all this together :D feel free to im me on
AIM: artisticdork
MSN:[email protected]
Feb. 25th Post Op here!! I am doing good feeling good and walking for 30 minutes every day on top of doing some weight training. So far since the 25th I have lost 29 lbs and feeling great about it!! I am getting a damn cold now and luckily had made a Dr. appt. for tomarrow a while back. Everyone keep up the good work and keep the posting going!!

I was supposed to have Lap. but they ended up opening me up cause of some complications ( I wont get into thw whys).. I know it is hard to get the train running but you have to tell yourself that the more you exercise the more weight will come off and faster. You rreally think I wanted to walk every day for 30 minutes the day after I got out of the hospital? Hell no, but I did anyway because you have to want it so bad you will do anything to get it.We only have the first year to lose most of the weight so why dilly dally around and just get out there. After the first week I wasn't so out of breath, but lemme tell ya that first week I had to stop a few times to catch my breath. Just do the best you can do and don't push yourself too hard but push enough to where you can say you tried your best and will do better the next day. It gets much easier I promise.
Make sure to stretch a bit before walking too. Since the 25th of Feb. I have lost a little over 30 lbs so far and I am loving every minute of it!! Good luck and do not give up for anything, I know you can do it!!
Jason aka Big J
wow your doctor has you walking for 30 mins the week after surgery?! even before wls i couldnt do 30 mins...i think our cases are a bit different, because it looks like atleast from your pics...you aren't as big as i am :X i know the importance of exercise is still important, i do roughly about 10-12 laps around my house daily.