weight- surgery date 2/15
Hi everyone,
I had my surgery on 2/15 and I have lost a total of 28lbs... but since Monday (2/28) I havent lost a lb. I am so discouraged. I probably should throw that dang scale away. How much protein are you guys drinking daily? I have about 56g... Also, after I walk around 30-45mins I am exhausted...anyone else?
I'm not sure what you consider soft food and what you consider solids, but I can tell you this...
I was blown away at how much soupy pureed food I can eat. When I have chili or mashed up bean/chicken soup, I can eat between 5 and 6 ounces, depending on when I last ate. For something a little more solid, like refried beans or tuna, I can eat more like 3 to 4 ounces. That's bigger than my stomach is supposed to be (2 ounces), but food becomes more compact when you chew it, so more will fit comfortably.
My nutritionist said that this is normal, though. I think it's funny that I get worried about overeating on something like tuna...I could polish off huge quantities of food before with no problems! Just keep following your surgeon's instructions and I'm sure you'll be fine.

I had my surgery the same date - I have lost somewhere between 23 and 28 pounds. My surgeon said that you really have to only take your weight once per week, and this is why:
If you have an organ with fat in it, like your liver, and you lose a pound of fat, that space where the fat was doesn't go away right away. It actually fills with water, which weighs MORE than the fat did...so on Monday, if you weighed 250 and then lost a pound of fat but filled up with water, you might weigh 251 on Tuesday - and be discouraged that you gained! But in about a week, tha****er will flow out and you'll be left with your real weight.
Of course, this doesn't stop me from weighing every day.
I just like to see how much smaller the number is than it used to be! But I don't worry about day to day fluctuations - just keep track of your weight weekly.
Also, when you lost a bunch at once, your body takes some time to catch up. So don't be surprised if you stall for a week or so - you'll have a big drop again soon. Keep track of your measurements, because you'll still be shrinking.
As for the protein, I found out that I'm allergic to whey protein.
I have had to ditch the protein shakes, but between milk, mashed up soups (chili or bean/chicken usually), refried beans and tuna, I'm getting to my quota of 67 grams per day. I have tolerated food very well, though.
I'm not walking much yet - just getting around, and walking around campus for school. But I'm headed back to the gym tomorrow. I have never liked walking for fitness, so I look forward to being cleared for more intense exercise. I'm not surprised that you're exhausted after walking, though - after all, we're still healing!
You sound like you're doing great. Keep it up.

well, I guess I have decided to wait until I see my dr on 3/8 before checking my weight again... tired of being disappointed.
Re: Protein- I drink 2 (8oz) glasses of protein which is 28g each. I eat a little meat (crab, thin sliced turkey) but fill up pretty fast. I can drink my fluids with no problem. I am not really finding it hard to eat/drink anything.
Something wierd did happen on Friday. I was sitting in the car waiting on my sister & I started feeling sick to my stomach. I had the windows down (live in Florida) and realized we were parked next to a sushi restaurant... Man that smell got me so sick. I rolled the windows up fast and turned on the a/c... and felt better immediately. Isnt that funny.
Another experience today- I went with my niece to her cheerleading banquet at Olive Garden. It was about 30 people and we had 3 waitresses. Well, the young lady was taking drink orders first and I declined- and she said ok... how abou****er? I said NO thank you again and she left it alone. Then it was time to order lunch- I asked for soup and extra broth. She looked at me so wierd and asked if I would like salad and bread... I said NO again and she said what would u like to drink... declined again and she said "Well I feel bad that you are not ordering- I will bring you water anyway". I had to be firm yet kind and said NO THANK YOU. SHE seemed so confused. She probably thought I didnt have enough of money to order regular food(lol)... But I dont know if I am ready to deal with the outside world (restaurants) with my food. She wanted me to EAT/DRINK BAD... My lunch was 4.11 (and I didnt eat but a few bites of it- broth)...
Just wanted to tell you guys about my day and what I have been eating.
I hear you on the smells of things making you sick! For some reason, the idea of scrambled eggs makes me want to
- but deviled eggs sound wonderful and I'm going to make some today. Go figure...
Of course, I just got back from the gym and my husband said he wanted eggs for breakfast, even though I told him at least a week ago that it was the one food that made me feel sick to even think about. He's not making the eggs, but I think he's pouting. Ugh. Oh well, it's not like I can help it, you know?
One tip on the restaurant thing - I haven't gone to a sit down restaurant yet, but I have gone to a few casual places for soup. When they ask if I want a drink, I always ask for a cup for water. At a sit down restaurant, I would order a water. You don't have to drink it, but then you avoid an awkward situation. And if the conversation at the end of the meal goes on for awhile, you can start drinking again after your window passes to keep getting tha****er down!
I'm not ready to order out, though...I'm not ready for the strange looks when I eat next to nothing. Not that I can eat out right now anyway, still being on pureed food and all! Lol.

This is so great!
Ya'll, I love reading everything from the other 2/15ers. We are in this together! I weighed last Tuesday and I think I have lost around 26 pounds. I go to my doctor on Thursday and am eager to see for sure how much on his scales. I am getting all my fluids in. They are not a problem. I am not doing as well with the protein. I can hardly stand those protein shakes. I am going to make myself drink one today because I really need the protein. I have been reading a lot of the posts and we really, really need to make sure we get all of our vitamins. I want to do exactly what my doctor has said. He is really big on after-care. I am thrilled so far with everything and very glad I had the surgery. Most people do not know I had the surgery - only close family members and the pastor and his wife at my church.
I did go out to eat the other night for the first time. This is a local diner and we eat there a lot. I always took my decaf iced tea with me. The other night, the waiter asked where my tea was. Two times she came by and asked if surely I didn't want something to drink. Someone posted above to go ahead and order water. I think that's a good idea. Then, you wont have to keep turning down a drink order. I had a baked potato with melted cheese and did not eat that much. I really enjoyed being out, though with my husband. He thinks it bothers me when he eats dinner around me, but it doesn't at all. I am very content. I will be glad, though, when my six weeks are up and I can go to other foods. I am on a lot of soft stuff now and canned meats,
but I cant complain. I have not had any nausea at all since my surgery, no pain and I know I am blessed. Best wishes to all of the 2/15ers and may we lose TONS of weight and get healthy for a great future!
Thanks for all the support! Carol L