Leaving for surgery Tomorrow!
Just wanted to drop a short note. I am off to have surgery tomorrow... we leave at 4am!
I am so scared, I want to cry!
It has been a long journey to get to this point, and I wish I would feel happy and excited, instead of scared to death!
I suppose this is normal for any surgery, but made harder when one has to travel for surgery.
Good luck to all who had or like me, are due to have surgery soon. I am sure everything will go fine, but I am still just a bag of nerves and tears right now! I need an
to bring me comfort today, that's for sure!

Aloha Sharon,
I hope you get this before you leave. You speak things so close to my own emotions at this time. My surgery is on Monday morning here in Hawaii. I've also wished for the fright to be over with. I can't stand the crying and the fear of "what if's".
I'm far from an angel but hope that some comfort comes to you in knowing that what you're experiencing is not abnormal and that many feel the same way. Even out on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
I have so many thoughts that I tell myself to help ease nerves, but they're all a temporary fix. I promised myself that no matter how scared I get, NOT having the surgery was not an option. For the insurance companies and others who don't know the lifestyle, they say it's an "elective" surgery. I've accepted that for me, it's not. It's life and death and I'm chosing to fight for mine.
I'm wishing you all the best and send my positive thoughts and healing wishes for a speedy recover. Run and catch your dream, we'll see it was well worth it.
Warmest Aloha,