2 week post op
Yesterday I was 2 weeks post -op and I feel great. I went to my place of employment today for a recognition luncheon. I took my own food and that worked out great. Not only was it nice to be missed at work, but the compliments made me feel great. I have lost 25 pounds in two weeks and my husband can actually hug me now.
I don't regret having this surgery at all. My energy level is returning and I walk 1 1/4 miles 3 or 4 times a week. When I can't walk outside, I get on my treadmill a couple times a day for 15 minutes.
Laurie, Guess you just answered my question and got rid of my "I just had surgery" excuse! I took a short walk yesterday, but will do better today. I'm 11 days post op from LAP RNY and going great also. No complications and toleration liquids. I know I'll be ready for a change at 3 weeks! I miss chewing. It could be cardboard and I would enjoy it if I could chew! Congratulations and best wishes, Karen