Post-Op Bathroom Behavior
Ok, I'm going to ask: How often have you pooped since surgery? I've only gone once and that was 5 days after surgery with the help of many stimulants. How often should I expect to go and when do I know that it has been too long and I should take something? I've never had this problem before.
Cara W.
My doctor told me that if I didn't have a bowel movement at least once every two days (with gas occuring every day) I should call him.
Thankfully I've been lucky. I had liquid BM's for the first 3-4 days, and until yesterday constipation that made me only drop m+m sized rabbit poop each day. Today is the first day it was starting to go back to normal.
All in all, it probably wouldn't hurt to give a call tomorrow morning to the office and ask about it if you haven't had a BM before then.
Hi Cara,
I had surgery on the 15th and I did'nt go while I was in the hospital but since I have been home that is another story! I was begining to wonder if I had something wrong because I go alot! Granted it is liquid but still I go 2 to 3 times a day! My friend who is a year out said at first she only went about every 4 days. Like every one else said you have to keep in mind you are'nt putting much in there. But if I was concerned I would most deffinately call my Doc. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask!! God Bless and Good Luck
Amen Christine... no dumb question...
Luckily I have a few friends who have already had it.... like you I had somewhat of liquid a couple of times a day and was worried. Well one friend said she did not till the 10th day after surgery... while the other was like me. So I guess the simple answer is that there is no regular result... but I have to say it is nice when you can confirm that you are not a huge outlier...
It definitely seems like it varies from person to person.
For me, I had lots of liquid for the first few days - it seemed like I had to go everytime I ate a "meal" (chicken broth, etc.) The first day I started going again, I went six times in one day!
It's gotten better every day, though. I'm on full liquids now and everything is a LITTLE more solid - still mostly liquid, but I only go every day or even every other.
As long as you feel okay, you're probably okay. But if you start feeling too worried, call your surgeon - you won't be the first to ask a question, and it will make you feel better to know for sure!
My doctors only concern was she didn't want me to be constipated, so she recommended that I take Colace. It is a little pricey and you should call your doctor before getting it, but in the mean time call your local pharmacy to order the liquid form. That why while you are waiting for your doctor they are getting the liquid for you. It is over the counter but they only have the pill form. It cost about $17 in Walmarts.
Denise D
Hi Cara
I had my surgery on Feb 7 (RNY Lap) and I go about every other day.
Sometimes when I take the liquid iron it makes me go.
I asked one of my friends that had the surgery if that was normal and they said yes, and it would probally change in time.
I would say if you were really concerned to call your doctor. Maybe something you are taking (vitamins, protein, etc) might not be agreeing with you.
Hang in there and good luck with the pooping and loosing
I had my surgery same day as you (Tuesday). I began having diarhea Thursday afternoon and it lasted until Sunday. Then nothing Monday or Tuesday. Wed. and today I've had at least 1-2 soft but solid bms. The gas has been horrendous this whole time. I was eating Tums 3-4x a day along with Milk of Magnesium. That probably didn't help with the diarhea much. But MOM might help with the gas and help you to go. Good luck to you.