Post-op 13 days
I began this journey with alot of prayer, very afraid and very excited. I was in the hospital only three days and it was much better than I expected. I have some soreness on my stomach and not too many pants are very comfortable yet but I have not taken any pain meds since coming home .
I sip water, chicken broth, sugar free spiced apple cider and sugar free tang constantly to help get my liquids in each day. I eat three times a day, one ounce meals I also have managed to get two protein drinks down each day. This has been very difficult since they taste bad
I was able to try a Vanilla protein drink which I mixed with the tang -- taste was better but then I had the runs UGH! Not sure if due to the different type of protein drink which is from soy, mike and egg or what. The protein drink that I don't like is chocolate Whey -- go figure. I will keep drinking it anyway. I have ordered a lot of samples from Vitalady and hope I will be able to find one that is easier to drink.
I will be going in for my first checkup this Thursday. Hoping for good results. My sister asked me if I still felt this was the right thing to do. My answer was definately yes! I could no longer continue with food controling me. It is now my turn to control food!!
My prayers to all that on this amazing journey with me.
I think you are right -- each surgeon has their own way to direct us to eat/drink. The one ounce meals must be the same consistancy as cottage cheese and must be well chewed. So far so good for me but I have read alot of different ways. I think we just need to follow what ever instructions our surgeons give us. Besides everybody is different.
How are you doing? Is this not the most amazing and exciting journey!?! I always felt so alone but now I see I can chat with people all over the US
Congratulations on your surgery. God bless you.
Hi this is Daisy!
My surgery was Monday FEb 7th
I'm drinking liquids still. Soups jello,pudding,shakes its been eaisy so far.
I some times wonder if Im drinking to much. I never get sick or anything. But I can drink hot chocolate, water juice like a normal person. My stomache doesn seem to get full. But I'm never hungry eather!
so that my story. Good Night!