Feb. 24 WLS
Cathi, I hate to tell you this, but.....you are acting normal. Not making it never crossed my mind, I knew God was on my side. I did have a set back, but am doing very well. Had surgerey on 2-14, and feel great. Still sleep a little more, but I was able to go to church today. It made my week. 1 week post op almost.
Hi Cathi,
I just wanted to say Congrats on your surgery and I wanted to let you know that we can hold hands in spirit! That is my date too and yes, I freaked out a coulpe of times. I have a 2 year old son and a sweet husband and loving family that I am so afraid of leaving, they need me! It was sad, yesterday I was even laying in bed just looking at my husband as he was watching tv. He asked me what I was looking at and I told him I was going to miss looking at his beautiful face if I did not make it. He told me to shut up, that he loved me and that everything was going to be okay. But I know what you mean, I feel the same as you. It is scary going into surgery. But I am going to just give it to God, put it in his hands and just keep telling myself that everything is going to be just fine. I wish you the best and I will be praying for you. God bless and good luck!
See you on the other side!
I am SO glad to know I'm not a dingy. I told my husband yesterday morning if I didn't make it to place take care of my boys and make sure my oldest son gets to go to college. He told me about a time in Iraq when they were getting fired at and everyone was freaking out. He said he just knew they would all be ok. His unit never lost a soldier. Then he said, "I feel that you are going to be fine". Between my husband and I we have 5 kids Mine are 16, 14, 10 1/2 his two are 7 & 6, we have all 5. So you can see what I am so worried. I do pray that god will see me through this. I'm sure I'll be ok. Health wise, My biggest problem is the 110lbs, no know other problems, besides high cholesterol and cronic problems.
Good Luck on your surgery and I'll be thinking of you too.