10 days post op - finally doing better!

Susanne B.
on 2/20/05 2:24 am - SPRING HILL, FL
Hi all, I had the Lap Band done on 2/11/05 but thanks to complications of swelling I didn't get home until 2/18/05. I couldn't keep anything down, not even water and they had me on so many different meds that my stomach was in constant turmoil. It felt like I had an alien in my belly and it was always on the move. The constant rumbling and nausea kept me very ill. Finally on the 18th I couldn't take it anymore. I was depressed and miserable and missing my children that I had to go home. I vomitted the next day and a half but then something wonderful happened. I asked my mother to make me a glass of sweet ice tea with lots of ice chips. I went online to bemoan my situation with other AMOS members and in the process I drank 12 oz of fluid and kept it down! Not only that, but my stomache felt better. I had a little more tea and then had some watery tomato soup for dinner and kept that down! I had some Gatorade and then 1/2 of sugar free pudding at night and kept that down! Sleeping has been difficult as I think 7 days on Demerol has thrown me off and given me horrible dreams. This morning I had some tea again and some Cream of Farina ceral. I feel reborn. Emotionally, I think about food constantly and everything smells different. I'm craving things I don't normally eat and really mourning the loss of being able to pig out. Does this make me sicker than I thought I was? I really feel soooo sad that I will never be able to chow down again like I used to do. I find myself getting angry at the children when they offer me a pretzel or have donuts for breakfast. It doesn't seem fair that others can have and I can't. Then of course there is the persistent feeling that I made a mistake and could have dieted alone to wellness, rather than take this drastic step! I know it is just the devil playing havoc with my thoughts, but it all feels so real right now. Pray for me.
sharon M.
on 2/20/05 2:54 am - everett, wa
Hi Susanne I am due to be banded on 2/28 and I have to admit I am a little nervous. I am glad to hear that it 'seems' that you're worst days are now behind you! I also have to admit, I will be right with you when it comes to mourning food. I have about a week before I leave for surgery, and I have to say that 'food' is pretty much on my mind constantly. (Not helped by my family's desire to have lots of big, fancy meals.... thinking, I suppose, that I won't be cooking much for awhile). So please don't feel like you are all alone, because I am not even Banded yet, and I am already into dwelling on food. I really think, its just mourning our OLD lives, when we could pig out, but remember, it was just that fact, that brought us to this point now. Where are weight is a health issue as well as self esteem, etc. So when things get tough, start to visualize the New, Slim YOU! I try to do that, and it helps me with my nerves at least. I hope, after surgery, it will help me get over that hump of missing my grub! Oh, also, try to stay busy. I find, if I am bored, I am more likely to think about something in the fridge. Maybe when you start to feel like a snack that you shouldn't have, maybe go for a walk, or do something that you enjoy doing. I like to paint, so I have already stock-piled some things to paint. Hoping that it will help keep me focused away from food! Worth a try anyway! Good luck to you! Sharon Banding on 2/28/05
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