7 days post- op...still feel like poop
I am 7 days post op today. I had an open RNY and came home last Sunday. I am just pooped. I can't seem to maintain any sort of decent energy level. It seems like the smallest things,..getting up and getting some pudding or nuking some oatmeal makes me tired.
I am sleeping in my bed for the first time tonight!! woohoo. I have been sleeping on the chaise lounge in my living room because laying flat still hurt. But today I took a long nap on my bed and I am soooo there tonight!
I am on full liquids, and not much is appetizing. It depends on the day. Heck, even water was tasting nasty to me.
I've tried, cream of chicken soup, oatmeal, cream of wheat, pudding, mashed carrots, baby food peaches, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, and even a scrambled egg. But rarely do I get in my 2 ounces.
I'm not getting enough protein in, but I have been fighting nausea. I thikn I may have developed lactose intolerance.
SO I think tomorrow I'll be heading off to the store to find some protein powders, and some isopure water.
It really does get better day by day. My back aches a little (I think it's from sleeping on the chaise), and I am tired and weak, but my incisions site is much less painful and the muscles around it are beginning to feel a little better.
I can't wait until week 2, hopefully it will get even better.
I read that someone said something about licking a dorito. HA that is sooo me. I've been nauseated and not hungry and not really wanting to eat anything,..bu tmy tv has been tuned to the food netwrok, and I've watched all sorts of yummy things being made. I wanted so badly to eat the baked ziti my hubby made for the kids,..and lord a croissant roll sounded soooo good. But I know that the surgery isn't going to cure my cravings or th ehead hunger, or my desire just to eat things because they are goo and not because I am hungry.
I am just hoping that the surgery and knowing I have to treat my pouch with love will be just the behavior modification I need to say no when I do suffer those things. I told my husband just yesterday that if this was another one of my diets I would have already cheated, so the surgery already working
Hope all of you that have had surgery are recovering well, and that you who are still waiting have an easy surgery!!

Hi April,
I know just how you feel. I too had survery on the 10th and am still very pooped. I had lap. but still have the energy problem. My surgeon assured me that it had nothing to do with eating (or not eating in our case) but has to do the the surgery it self. He said that I should get my energy back in 2 or 3 weeks from the surgery. This was very hard to hear, since I am an active person with a 2 and 4 year olds. My poor husband has had to do everything and my house is a wreak. Someone suggested B12, which on took on Wed. but it didn't help. I guess time will tell.
Good Luck,
Hi April I had my surgery (laprascopic RNY) last Tuesday the 15th. I hear ya on the energy crunch! I had kind of a hard time in the hospital I coded twice and wound up in the ICU for about 1/2 the time I was in there. I had some sort of respitory distress.
Anyway I am having a hard time getting enough lquids. I never did sit around with something to drink all the time and it is very strange to me now.
I also hear ya on the cravings!! I want a roast beef sandwich on wheat with lettuce and mayo real bad! I would never try it but it does'nt stop me from thinking about it.
I had a dream last night that I was in a bakery buying a big fresh warm loaf of bread! Goes to show you what a grip food has had on us.
Hears to better days girl! There is life after food I just know there is. And with a little time and love towards ourselfs we will make it!! God Bless and speedy mend to ya....Christy Routledge...