Too nervous to sleep!!!
Well just a few more days and I will be having my surgery. I am so nervous, it is 2 am and I cant sleep because I started thinking about: What could go wrong? How I am gonna feel afterwards. Will I be happy about my choice afterwards? How much will I crave food? Will I miss food so much I get depressed and be mad about my decision? blah, blah, blah. I have been waking up at 2 am every night for the past 4 days. I dont think I was this stressed out last month when I was going to have my surgery and got cancelled right in the preop room.... Seems like my jitters are worse this time!!!! I know all you guys scheduled are nervous too, and I will be praying for you all to have a great surgery and a speedy recovery!!!!
Freaking out,

hI- I WAS RIGHT THERE FEARING THE SURGERY IN DECEMBER! I WOKE UP FROM MY SURGERY and had NO pain- except in my back from lying on the OR table. I thought my dr did not do the surgery! It is a piece of cake. Honestly- I was so nervous- I got Ativan from my PCP dr..........but I am telling you- it really will not hurt! The hard part is after-wanting to eat real food- but you can not--It took me 6 weeks to get over that feeling. Pray and ask God to comfort you- this is the right decision. You are going to melt- I have lost 51 lbs in 8 weeks! I can get into size 18 pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wow weeee! Carolyn
Try to visualize how you will look and feel afterward. Will you miss some of the foods you won't be able to have? Sure. I sometimes want a jelly doughnut like crazy, and let's not bring up beer.
But I no longer have to pay attention to my knees every time I stand up, and the pain in them is GONE. I sleep better, I am wearing size 16 pants and medium shirts, and I have become reacquainted with my face and waistline. Everyone who loves me is very happy for me too, and that makes up for a lot of cookies.
The best thing is that you will lose so much weight quickly the first few weeks that before you can really have any time to regret, you are seeing such great results you will be sure you made a good trade-off between being able to eat whatever you want and feeling so much better, more alive, and so much freer.
Lisa Morgan
Hello, My surgery is 2/28 and I am a nervous wreck also. I totally understand how you must feel. I am trying to relax by focusing on the positive side of my reasons for doing this.
Why did you get cancelled the first time? WOW that would drive me crazy! GOD BLESS YOU and you will be in my prayers!
[email protected]
I'm sure that I am no help to you but your post and all the other ones replying to it have helped me realize that I'm not the only one with jitters
I am supposed to get my surgery date this week and I'm nervous just projecting my nervousness. I'm unable to relax and I feel very anxious. My fear is not just for the surgery but of what my life will be like afterward. (I really liked the post that said she had no pain; that's so cool.) At any rate, I'll be thinking of you on your date and wishing you well.

My surgery is tomorrow, and I slept fine last night but I am also very nervous. I don't think it is so much about the surgery itself, but after. I have had surgery before, but I am worried about the recovery. I am a mortgage closer and I mostly work from home, but when I have to go to do a closing, I will have to drive 41 miles and work. I have my surgery on a tuesday and expect to be able to sit here at the computer the following monday and type title work, legals, etc... but my fear is that I wont be able to go into town to do the closings. Which I present the documents and witness signing. Am I biting off more than I am going to be able to handle? I really need to be able to work, I am a single mother and I have no back up in my office, I am the only one.
I also am dredding the hair loss, the emotional stress, sometimes I wonder if I am doing the right thing. Is it going to be worth it all, what is my life going to be like long term....lost of questions running thru my head....less than 24 hours to go.