Sore body
Hi Everyone,
I had surgery on 2/10 and I'm doing okay. Although, the last couple of days I've noticed that my body is very sore. I feel like I have bruises everywhere, especially on my hips, butt, and legs. Everytime I sit I feel it, even when I lay on my side my hip hurts. Anyone else experience this?
I'd ask your doctor, but if you're talking actual bruises, it may be the blood thinner they typically have patients on after surgery, which can give you a bruise with even a little bump. I do notice that I'm a little clumsier post-op too, so I tend to hit corners of tables, etc. a little more.
Otherwise, the soreness I experienced came from a rented recliner (great for short naps, but terrible back/neck pain for anything longer) and from general inactivity. I try to walk around as much as possible.