Home and post op 6 days
Well I am home...not feeling great yet! However, I got those dang drains out of me yesterday!! That JP Drain, the novicane line, and the penrose drain. It was wonderful! I am tired, my butt hurts from sitting, had a few very bad days post op, but things are looking up, cause they can't get much worse..well yeah they can, but things are getting better. I have to say days 2-5 were hard!!! NO MORE MORPHINE???? LOL I doubted my decision, cursed myself, but today despite being tired, I know things will be better. I am glad to hear everyone appears to be doing well, and wish everyone else a speedy speedy recovery!!

You're just 1 day behind me. My open rny was done on the 10th.
Oh my god, why did no one warn me of the pain??? Days 1 and 2 were awful for me. I didn't have any drains but I woke up with an NG tube up my nose and down into my stomach. I have a strong gag refelx so for 2 hours I had dry heaves. It was awful. Finally the surgeon said it could be removed.
I went home on Sunday, and was just pretty much out of it. I was given liquidroxycodone since I was nauseated and couldn't seem to stomach the liquid lortab.
Today the pain is minimal pretty much muscle soreness in my stomach and around the incision. Mine was 3 inches.
I have been sooo tired. And not able to get (at least I feel) near enough protein or fluids in, though I'm doing better with the fluids now that I figured out that Wal-mart's sugar free lemonaide is fantastice when mixed with crushed ice and a packet of splenda. Taste like a lemon shake up and I am able to get some fluids in!
Oh the pills though. BLECK. The ones that have to be swallowed I break up into little pieces, but they still feel like they are just sitting my pouch.
I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but I am still relieved to have this done, and be on the other side of losing!!
I don't have my post op appt until March 9th. I can't wait to get there and see how much I've lost.
Hope you get to feeling even better. I hear that the second week is much better.