2 Days post-op and soooo much pain
I was released from the hospital today and am at home. I think I like being at home better, but it has been so hard. The pain has been unbareable, and I have wished I wouldn't have done this. The other people who had surgery the same day didn't feel as bad as me. Why does it hurt so much for me and not others?
Cara W.
Oh i soo know how you are feeling!! I am so angry other people are up and about and moving...I am moving, but only cause I push myself to. The night I went home I talked to God a longggg time!! Asking him why did I make such a stupid decision!!! I had an open rny...it is hard, I am day 6 and it is still hard!!! I had the stick feeling stomach, the gas pains, the fatigue, and not wanting to eat, but wanting everything I saw on TV, pizza, bread...heck, I even asked my husband if I could just lick a doritto. OH MY...I have lost my mind, but after getting all my drains out yesterday, I feel a little bit better. I am now on phase two, full liquids...let me tell you, sugar free pudding never tasted so good!! LOL It so sucks that we are in more pain than others, but it will be worth it. I promise...at least that is what my husband tells me.
Feel free to email me if you need someone!

Oh Cara, don't give up. I'm just two weeks post op and I'm still in pain. I was in so much pain after surgery they kept me an extra day. It's not easy even now, but at my post op appt. today I was down 31 pounds so perhaps the pain is worth it. Anyway, feel free to email me anytime. I know what you're going through. For me the pain made me cry so much my poor men folk here at home had no idea when I'd be crying or ranting or raving, or what. The range of emotions along with the enormous pain will get better. Just let yourself go with it for now. Call your doc and ask for something to relax you to help you get through the pain if you truly can't tolerate it. Mine was great about giving me just enough to get through. I did a lot of sleeping the whole first week. Thank Goodness I could take the time to do that. Good luck and hang in there.
It's not just you. I'm in so much pain, I can't stand myself. I force myself to get up and move. My butt hurts from sitting on it so much. I'm forcing water down for fear of dehydration. My family thinks I'm a baby which hurts so much. I think my pain is mostly from the gas and it just won't go away. Just know you are not alone and that I am also wondering what I did to myself and praying that I can go back a week and run as far away from the hospital as possible. I'm praying these feelings will change in a week or so, but as for now, I'm just miserable. Take care. I guess it's time for another nap for me.