1 wk postop and very fatigued
Hi Mary,
I am sorry to hear that you are fatigued. I guess it is all individualized the immediate results of the surgery. I am 10 days post surgery and I feel great. I am actually back at work, just for the afternoon. But plan to return to work everyday next week. I have not been fatigued and have had not side effects at all. The first two days I was really foggy headed. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Hi Mary -
Well, I THOUGHT I had a lot of energy - until I pushed it today with a little (self driven) excursion to the store. I'm 1 week post op, too. I started taking sublingual B12 as soon as I was home from the hospital. However, it hasn't helped with the energy level. I've just been babying myself (for the most part) and laying low.
Mary - take it easy - We'll have to jump back in the saddle soon enough as it is!
Best wishes!

Hi Mary,
I was horribly fatigued at one week. I'm now two weeks and still very exhausted. Personally for me I have a very difficult time with anesthesia and pain meds and they always make me more tired than most people. An aspirin used to put me to sleep! Anyway, hang in there, baby yourself for a bit, and take it easy. This is a major change to your body and major surgery takes its toll on each of us quite differently. But, don't feel bad, I was right there too and I bet others have been also. Good luck