Some Advice needed

The fears you are having are VERY normal, especially if you have never had any of what you wrote. Just be sure and let your dr. and nurses know your fears and they will try to make it as comfortable for you as possible. I'm not going to sit here and tell you it won't hurt, because it will to some degree. I'm guessing you have not had children yet too?
You will be fine, like I said, just let them know how you are feeling.
Good LUck
Hi Cathi! Thanks for the support. You are right, I will talk to the Dr. when I go see him & talk to him about my fears. Kids, yes 2 girls. But that was a breeze for me. Normal delivery, the first one was about 4 hrs of mild cramping & 15 min. in the delivery room. The 2nd one was mild cramps again for 3 hrs and I was exactly 10 min. in the delivery room and with both kids I was up & walking around the hospital about 1 hr after, I felt great like if nothing. So you see I have never really experienced anything like this before, or really any kind of major pains. That's why I'm so scared. THANKS!!!!!!

Luly, You will be fine. Remember that fear is an emotion and we can control our emotions..Try to think of all of the good things that will come from having this surgery...You were strong enough to make the choice to have the surgery and now that strenght will carry you through the rest of your journey...Everyone has Fear, It is the way you deal with it that tells what kind of person you are...Chin up girl! You will fly through this like an eagle on the wind.
Take care,
Tomorrow is my day!

Hi Karen, Thanks for you kind words. I know it must be normal to scared out of my wits but can't control it to the extent that I lose sleep over it. But I try to talk my way out of it but my mind is playing tricks on me girl. Hey wanted to wish you THE VERY BEST tomorrow in yours, when ever you get a chance let me know how you are doing, or if you have someone that can write to us to let us know how you are doing. Best Regards, Luly

my doctor reccomends that you get an extra good sleep that night, he told me to take a unisom, at like 7.30 and sleep till its time to get up and go for surgery. and while on the way just listen to the music that you know calms you...makes you mellow out. my dr actually lets you pick the music you listen to while your getting your iv and your epidural.
just think, this is just another hump in the road of life, and as we all have gotten over many in life, we will get over this one too :D
Hi Luly,
I am 15 days post-op, and I feel safe in saying if you have been through 2 labors and deliveries of any degree(my two were easy also) you will do just fine! The very worst part of surgery for me is the IV start! I have crummy veins. I was on the morph. drip only 3 hours after surgery and I don't know if I really needed it, it was just there and I developed a migraine which is normal for me, but I don't know of anyone else that experiences that problem. I stayed in the hospital overnight only because we live 2 1/2 hours from the hopsital. I was up and ready to go the next morning at 6:00 a.m. just like I always am. I filled the liquid pain med. at my pharmacy, but switched over to liquid adult strength Tylenol the next morning and have only taken it as needed since(maybe once a day?) 48 hours after surgery I was back on my treadmill and haven't missed a day since. Eating and drinking have been an adventure since things don't taste the same since surgery, but I have plenty of energy and minimal discomfort. I've been back sleeping on my stomach since 6 days after surgery. When I had lap gall bladder removal a couple years ago, it was 6 WEEKS before I could sleep on my stomach.
Take really good care of yourself in the next few days, get some extra sleep if possible and focus on the wonderful changes you have to look forward to.
You will be in my prayers. Best Wishes!