Post-op 1 week today!

Jennifer C.
on 2/15/05 2:31 am - New York, NY
Hi All, I'm on the other side, AGAIN, for those that don't remember my story, I had a revision and hernia repair all together.. Pain- Well I'll tell you, for those having open, as I had too, day two and five were the worst, two because the fog of anesistia is gone and the morphine only lasts so long. day five was bad, because after one day home everything just seemed to hurt, your very uncomfortable, no chair, bed, no amount of pillows can make you comfortable..I seem to follow most other post ops, the left side is giving me trouble than the right. The JP Drain- After a week this thing is the bane of my existance, Right now it's the one thing that causes me pain if I move the wrong way, and the daily up keep is easy, but a bit on the gross side. Things to remember or that you might expierence: Gas & Bad Breath- Okay so this is a whole new level of gas, I mean I've never burped like this before and some of them smell FUNKY! also that funky smell sometimes stays in your mouth giving you a bit of bad breath, I was thinking to myself today, since i have to take 5 tums a day for calcium, i might buy the minty kiind when I finish the ones I have, I think the minty fresh might curb the funky smell/aftertaste. Emotions/Hormones, especially for women, about day 4 or 5, you may or may not get into the weepy PMS type mood.. I've spoken to a few WLS buddies and was assured this is normal. Swelling in the legs and feet..FYI the longer your on IV fluids, the more prone you will be to this, especially the more you start sitting and standing up, since once the IV stops the fluids settle until they can be absored into your body..Day 5 was the worse I had sausage feet and they hurt, but i found that putting on socks and sneakers helped reduce the swelling a great deal.. Okay I can't think of much else at the moment, best of luck to everyone.. The first week will be tough but Today I feel pretty normal except for some tightness and soreness in the stomach and back.. Hugs~ Jennifer
on 2/15/05 9:02 am - McMinnville, OR
Dear Jennifer, I'm glad you are on the mend and commend you on sharing your story and the things you experienced with others. Keep up the good work.
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