Why am I not getting ready?
Hi ,
Tomorrow is my appointment with the surgeon to sign the consent forms. My surgery is on Friday. I should be packing and getting ready. I'm not scared or excited any more. This is not what I expected. I expected to be gripped with fear or excited like christmas eve. Any body else feel like that ( or should I say not feeling anything)

I had my surgery in November & for me - I was very resigned - it had taken so long to go through everything and I was so ready that I didn't even pac****il late the evening before.... The only time I felt nervous was when I was in the pre-op room and I had so many people around me all of a sudden - taling to me introducing themselves etc. etc. it felt really real all of a sudden - But I was OKAY...
You know the two things I packed I really appreciated having were My portable CD player with a coule of soothing CD's (helped me sleep when I was waiting for the pain medication to kick in) and my terricloth bathrobe - They will want you to walk ALOT - and this made me feel warm & covered
I wish you so much luck & good wishes - This is the best thing I have ever done - today I got in size 20 pants - without tugging - from a 26-28 IT was the single greatest feeling I've had in a long time.
Many blessings.

That's okay, Bette. It's my last day before surgery (tomorrow!) and I haven't done much to get ready yet (cleared a path from my bed to the door--we're such pack rats!)
Emotionally, I have some butterflies. I've been postponed twice and, while we're go unless the anesthesiologist stops it (ongoing bronchitis, but it is pretty much under control), I haven't been able to get psyched for it the way I was when I was getting close the other two times. As a result, I'm a bit more apprehensive. Today, since I'm alone in the house (wife is at work), is my day to get myself mentally prepared. By the end of the day, I should be ready to rock!
We all respond in different ways Bette. I didn't pac****il the last minute either, but I had issues to deal with at work and pushed it until the very last second. I was too numb after closing out the month to think about anything other than I was going to get to sleep and I'd have pain meds. By the way my surgery was on the 2nd and all went very very well. I've lost 20 lbs since then. You will be just fine, Bette.