Sex and Birth Control after surgery?
I am scheduled to have surgery on February 23, and I am getting so excited! My question to you all is this: How long after surgery before you can start having sex again.....and do birth control pills still work effectively, or does the change in the ability to absorb prevent them from working???
My surgeon says no hanky panky for three weeks after surgery.
As for birth control, my group doesn't recommend oral birth control - either depo or the patch once you get to a low enough weight for it to be effective.
I don't use hormonal birth control because of my religion, but we're going to use condoms and spermicide until we're ready to start trying to conceive.

I'm a little confused on your question about birth control. On your profile you wrote you wanted to adopt as you could not have anymore children. Anyway, as far as sex, just whenever you feel comfortable and are not in physical pain. My hubby was nice enough to wait as he understood (and could see) my pain. Before my WLS, I was not having regular periods & was not on any birth control for many years. However, I did ask my doctor about this and he advised me to take precautions as this would change & it sure did. I got my period the day after WLS & they come timely each month. As far as contraceptives, I also inquired with my doctor on this, I wanted to do the patch. There are some things about absorption, however this has worked well for us. I did have to wait til I was less than 190lbs. I wish you luck. When it comes to your health, or have concerns, always seek the advise of your doctor. Take care.
I started using the Nuvaring a couple of months ago.
I wanted to use the patch but weighed more then 200# (less effective). I tried the Depo shot years ago, but had severe weight gain. I was afraid to try again. So when I spoke w/ my ob/gyn he suggested the Nuvaring (well his assistant metioned it). At first I thought it was kinda freaky (you insert this plastic ring, about the size of a half dollor, into your vagina. you leave it in for 3 weeks, take it out for a week, get your period, put in a new one), but after the first week I thought it was kinda cool. No more remembering to take a pill every night. My husband doen't even feel it when we have sex. IT'S GREAT! They have a web site you can check out: Hope you have good luck deciding.
Lap - RNY, 02/11/05
Dr. Wilcox, Pittsburgh Bariatrics
240/BMI 43.9

Hey Julie, I'm also having my surgery on Feb 23 and I just asked the surgeon the same question yesterday. Now he said 3 weeks, But I don't see how because, excuse my wording of this, but someone has to be in the "drivers seat". You won't have the strength and he'll be too heavy on the new plumbing. I guess it can be done, I just wonder if it's worth the risk, when he can satisfied in safer ways for you.