Thank you all
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Today is the first of my two days of pre-op diet. I can have protein drinks or cream soups today. Tomorrow it's all clear liquids. I'm starving.
I colored my hair for the last time today. Does anyone know if I will be able to use temporary rinses on my hair after surgery?

Those first two days pre-op are probably the most difficult you will have for awhile because after surgery you just aren't hungry or at least I haven't been. I had surgery on the 2nd and all went very well.
As far as coloring your hair...I don't think you will have a problem, but I'll let you know because I'm having mine done next week
so if it all falls out I'll let you know!!

Let me tell ya, you are a lucky girl! Today is my second day of clear only liquids and I feel like I'm losing my mind (what I wouldn't do for a protein shake or a creamed soup)! Who knew food gave you energy! Seems all I've been doing is sleeping. Maybe it's my mind's way of getting through these 48 hours. I had to drink the Fleet's phososoda (or however you spell it!!) yesterday and it was the most awful thing I have ever put in my mouth. OMG... if I can do that, I can do anything!! Seems every thing will be easy now that I gagged that stuff down! Heck, bring on the pain from surgery... even that has to be easier!! Yesterday was my emotional day too... if I wasn't sleeping, I was crying!!
I'm wishing you well and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.