My date is February 22, 2005
I had all of my pre admission tests done yesterday. Everything is set. The office will call me on the 17th with the time I am to arrive at the hospital on the 22nd. Sometimes I am quite excited and other times I am quite scared. I don't know what for sure I am scared of the most, the surgery itself, how I will feel after, what to expect when I wake up, the pain and the long road ahead of me. Only two weeks away.
Best wishes to you Sherry! My surgery was March 23, 2004. after several years of research, I had it done. Just like you I was excited and scared. 11 months later, It has been one of the best decisons I have made.
The pain is tolerable. I slept on my reclining chair for the first three nights after I went home. I was not able to lie on my side for at least a month. take your meds and follow what your doctor says. Best wishes to you and everyone else!