Let's Celebrate!!!!!
Sandy, I have been shopping like crazy. It is one of my favorite passtimes so now I have an excuse. So far I have bought some unflavored protein, Atkins Advantage Cafe au Lait Shakes (these are the best of all the ones I tasted-just like cappachino), Crystal light "to go" packs, bottled water, sugar free jello, sf pudding, sf Tang, chicken broth, a bunch of cream based soups-chicken, mushroom, brocolli, and so on, and I even bought some baby food. I'm going this weekend to pick up some sf popsicles, more sf pudding, and some yogurt.
Bee Bee

I'll just second that for shopping ahead. I am one week post op and I'm glad I stocked our house well with a variety of items that had been suggested as good choices after surgery. Many of the things that usually appeal to me I can't even think about putting in my mouth! I'm usually a chocolate fan and right now it is my last choice. And one can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup was way too much. My favorite things are Breyer's Sugar Free Juice Bars, NECTAR protein drinks, Crystal Light Raspberry Peach, my own homemade soups, and all time favorite-----water. I have thinned down sugar free applesauce to get my meds down with.
Keep up the good work!