I got a Date! February 16, 2005
Congratulations on your date. I bet you are both excited and scared, well my date is the same day, so I share your feelings. I am so happy for you. I know that you have done the right thing and are the right road. It will lead you to a better happier and healthier life style. I wish you the very best of luck, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you move forward to the big day. melody Jacobson (wisconsin)
Hi Denise! I'm excited for you! Heck I'm excited for all of us! I'm having my rny on the 15th. I'm going tomorrow for all my pre op tests at the hospital. I have all my supplies for when I get home already, also I made a list for what I want to bring to the hospital. ( bare essentials) later if I forget something my dh could always bring it for me. Good luck to you and God keep you and all the pre ops safe! I'll include you in my prayers! Be safe and stay strong! Sandy