I'm 6 days post-op!
I had laproscopic RYN on 2/2 and am doing great! I go to my doctor on 2/10 to get my staples and drain removed. YEAH!
Try to get in all the required liquids is tough but I know how important they are. I did find out that one of the most important things is walking. DO ALOT OF IT. I't helps keep things moving If you know what I mean

I am very happy for you too see that things are goining very well for you.could you do me a favor and let me know when you go back to the doctors office and they remove the staples and the drain can you let me know if it hurts or just tell me what to expect,please I'm do for surgury 2/17/2005 and I have the bubble guts [email protected]
I had my staples and drain removed yesterday 2/10. When the staples are removed, it kind of feels like very tiny pinches by a pair if tweezers. Not really painfull just anoying. When the doctor removed the drain, I didn't realize when he started because he talked to me the whole time. By the time I starting feeling it, it was gone! No pain and just a weird feeling in your stomach. Not quite sure how to describe it.
Hi Lori....Hey whoo! I wish you the very best of luck!
My surgery is this Thursday the 10th!
After your first leak test were you allowed ice-chips? If so, when? the next day? the same day?
I have had back surguries in the past and I remember being very thirsty(waiting for the surgery)
Here I am having MAJOR surgery (RNY) and I am worried about my thirst.....it may seem crazy but I am a big H20 drinker and will have a hard time without it
How long where you in the hospital? What was your diet when you got home? Did you have a hard time with hunger?
Sorry for all of the questions......I hope you don't mind.
Liz/Las Vegas

I was allowed ice chips as soon as I got into a regular room from recovery. I was only allowed to have 1oz. of ice chips per hour. After my leak test the next day, they bumped it up to 3oz per hour. By the time I left the hospital 4 days later, I could have unlimited ice and was on 4 oz of liquids (broth, juice, sf jello) per hour. Hope that helps.
Thanks Lori!
Well the big day is tomorrow morning and I just now starting drinking the Trilyite.....nothing else for the day excep****er; Which I plan on drinking plenty of
My Doc seems to have me on the same regimen as you...clear liquids for a week then "full" liquids for a week then "soft" foods, etc.
Than you again for your imput. Hope everything is going great for you!
What is your diet 6 days out? Let me know.
Sincerely, Liz