I'm so sorry that your operation was postponed! I know it must be difficult to have commited to this only to have the rug pulled out from under you at the last minute! I also know that taking off from work was probably not an easy thing to do. The doctor probably made a decision that was in your best interest and would not have done so if they didn't think it was necessary. Yes, they should have noticed it before, but you should know that it will be for the best in the end. Keep us posted on your status. Keep a positive outlook and keep your chin up. Everything will be okay.

I had mine postponed also, that's really hard, I was even at the hospital. But it is for your own good and in the long run you'll be happy you waited. There's complications along with the surgery and you definately don't want to risk more by having surgery before you and your doctor know it's safe. My thoughts are with you!
Hi Lisa,
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I was scheduled for 1/27 and got a call 5 days before saying, "oops, we forgot to submit to your insurance for prior authorization (it falls within the guidelines so it doesn't need to be "approved" just authorized) and gee, we can't find your file."
They had to reschedule me for 2/10. Then on 1/26 I got a call saying we have to reschedule you for 2/24 because the Doc has to do surgery at another hospital and this is the next available date, blah, blah, blah....
I know it really SUCKS
(my husband manages a large company and they have had to reschedule his time off 3 times now also, not to mention our relatives that will be taking the kids, the pets to kennel, etc (I'm going 250 miles away from home for the surgery. It's tough to explain because my family doesn't know I'm having WLS, they think it's a benign tumor and can't figure out why the Docs would postpone THAT, LOL ... my own fault, I guess!). I really feel for you and understand what a pain in the behind this is!
BUT... I really feel it was all for a reason. I had to have my gallbladder removed in an emergency type surgery because I couldn't take the pain any longer. It was in bad shape and would have caused problems if done at the same time as my WLS. Now I have 3 weeks between to heal.
You WANT these Docs to order the special filter for you. I'm glad to hear somebody caught this BEFORE surgery! I know the waiting sucks. It's the hardest part. But just breathe, take the extra time to spend doing some of the activities you won't want to do just after surgery and I will PRAY
for you!
If you need to chat, email me and I will talk with you.

Boy, I know how you feel. I was scheduled for November and the week before I got the call they had someone more critical they had to get in. Since i am self-employed and had work scheduled for January I couldn't get a date that would allow me 8 weeks receovery first. So know I am scheduled for 2/24/05. My family had there vacations scheduled and plane tickets in hand.
Now everything had to be rescheduled with them. In November I was sooo relaxed. Now I feel like a basket case. i have to see the doc next week before my surgery and i have gained part of the 10% wieght back I was supposed to loose and i so scared she will cancel my surgery. The surgical coordinator said he would try to sneak me through the surgical nurse
now i might have to hide from the surgeon. i just want to get it over with and on the road to rceovery.
i wish you the best of luck. i am sure god knows the plan even though he doesn't always share it with us.

Lisa: I know that it is so disappointing to have things right in you reach and then feel like they are being sucked away. Remember that god has a plan for all of us and he was not sure that it was time just yet and didn't want anything to happen to one of his sheep. I know that this is the best thing to happen it could be the one thing that save you life. Just think of it that way. So when you do wake for your weight loss surgery you will be able to see your children and grandchildren again and your husband. Please don't let this get you down. Remember the old saying one step back but two steps forward. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go along your journey. May god bless and keep you safe. Melody Jacobson
Thank you so much for the encouragement. Your words really meant alot to me. I thank God for using you to get his message across to me. Again Thank you.
God Bless You
[email protected]
[email protected]

Boy do I understand I was all hooked up to IV and they kicked me out because my white blood count was to low, I was in shock to say the least and upset that my dr didnt catch it before I got there since my preop blood work was done a week before. Then I have been taking all these tests for blood diseases, and had to wait 2 weeks to hear from the hemotologists whether or not I was okay to have the surgery. I found out today that I am good to go, and will have my surgeryon the 21st. Almost a month later but none the less I am able to have my surgery and so will you!!! My angel always says "If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it" So keep your chin up, it was hard for me and I am impatient as heck but you can do, it is for the best, even if it doesnt feel like it at the time!!
Hugs to you