My surgery was rescheduled from 2/10 to 2/17 because the doc wants me on CPAP for at least 2 weeks before surgery. I have "minimal obstructive sleep apnea" - MINIMAL. And I still have to have the damn CPAP. I went and got the stupid thing today after meeting with her. I didn't know it was required for at least 2 weeks before surgery, or I would have gotten the damn thing already. I also didn't get the report from the sleep study or a prescription for CPAP. I guess I should have followed up. Oh, well. It is only for a week later. It still sucks, but I will use the time wisely.
Cristina, I know just how you feel! My surgery has been rescheduled twice already (and may be again because they postponed so long my sick gallbladder couldn't wait any longer, now I might have to wait longer to heal from that surgery!).
Just remember that everything happens for a reason. Waiting is the hardest part though!! Sounds like you are going to use the time though. Make a list of things you can do (go see a movie, read a book, write some letters...)
BIG HUGS for you

I also have to have the CPAP and i found the new mask or noduels for your nose only works the best. It is more confortable to sleep with. I know you don't want to change now but for anyone else, maybe it will halp them. My surgery was for Nov 30 and was posponed till 2/7 due to the high sugars that i had to get down.