I have a cold!
Hey Maura
I feel your pain! I came down with a pretty bad sinus infection and bronchitis on 2/1 and my surgery date is 2/8! I had to take antibiotics and doc gave me the ok for cough medicine because I was hacking up a lung. Still hacking away but the doc says that I should be OK for surgery anyway. Here's hoping!
I hope you feel better, Maura!
I have a cold also - I was ill when I went for my pre-op testing this week, so the internal medicine doctor who clears everyone for surgery prescribed a TON of meds to get it cleared up. Antibiotics, an antihistamine, and a nose spray...
I was told to call her back if I feel like the cold is traveling to my lungs so she can prescribe a cough syrup. So far so good, though!
I'm surprised you can't take anything before surgery, but I know surgeons have different requirements. Maybe you should call and ask whether you can take anything else?
Otherwise, keep pushing the vitamin C - we don't want that surgery pushed back!

Hi Pat!
Thanks for the response! I'm so glad to her that Jen is doing well. I've thought of her everyday. I re-read the book that Dr. Kruger gave us and it is OK for me to take Tylenold cold medicine. So, I've been taking that. I'm taking it real easy this weekend to get rid of this!
I must say I enjoyed reading your profile note about the group
You've got us all right! We won't take any crap and will be all over you about your exercise and that recliner that you have! We'll have you lifting that recliner with repetitions if we had our way.
Talk to you soon! 10 days and counting.

Hi Maura,
I have my suregery on 2-7-05. I went for my pre-op on 2-1-05 and I had a stuffy nose, congestion and a fever. My surgeon said "you picked a fine time to get sick"....He prescribed to me antibiotics called "Z-Pack"...you take it for only 5 days....I felt a difference after the second day. The antibiotics are fine to take, they give you antibiotics through your I.V. before you go into surgery anyway...Ask your doctor about it, cause I was scared and nervous too.
So glad for your post!! We are living parallel lives, I suppose!! I too have surgery on the 15th, and am at the end of a REALLY nasty cold!! I have been taking antibiotics the last few days. Needed your post - I had asked my surgeon's office if it would delay surgery and they said if it wasn't a bad one. Thankfully - I'm almost over it.
Good luck!!
Isn't it amazing that when you get close to your surgery date, a cold, flu, or upper respiratory infection decides it wants to visit you?? I thought I was the only one!!! I have been suffering with an upper respiratory infection and fever last week.
When it started to hit me I said, "Oh no, this has to go!!!" I went to the doctor quick and was given antibiotics, cough medicine, and decongestant. If I hadn't taken the airbourne, God knows it would have been a whole lot worst.
I should be ready to go by Feb 28th. Unfortunatlely, all that you can take Maura is Tylenol. My prayers go out to you that you will have a speedy recovery.