OMG that's miserable!! I only have to do it for 1 day prior to surgery, with the time before that being hi protein, extremely low carb and moderate calories.
I was wondering, tho, could you take an appetite surpressant to help with the hunger? I'm thinking like TrimSpa.
I have no idea if this would be "kosher" as far as your doc is concerned, but it would help with the actual hunger.
Good luck!! OY!
Lap-RNY in 6 days!!

I have been asked to do the protein shakes twice a day for four weeks prior to surgery. I am having a hard time sticking to it, but my drs. nutrtitionist told me to add a little milk and half a banana. I also am using the SF flavorings they use at coffehouses. It is tolerable only because I am thinking way down the road when I have to loose less at the end.
my surgery is the 21st, the dr. told me he didn't used to require the full liquid (not clear) but other drs found it helped patients with the transition after surgery so he now requires FULL a week prior, clear the day before.
the low carb is to lose weight and shrink your liver (which is fatty in most obese people) and gets in the way if it's not shrunk for the surgeon
My surgery is the 8th and my doctor requires 7 days of 1000 calorie liquid and protein diet. The reason is to shrink your liver to make laproscopic surgery easier for everyone. I am in day 4 and not so much tummy hungry but head hungrrrrry. I wish I didn't have to do any cooking but a mom of 4 so thats out. I have been using Pure Pro pina colada with 40 grams of protein and 2 carbs mixed with some water and orange flavored crystal light. It is yummy but my head won't stop thinking of other things.
Hang in there. You've come this far only a couply more weeks. Good luck.
Hi Deb,
I'm having surgery on 2/14 and my surgeon requires a 14 day liquid protein diet pre op. This is the thing that I was most afraid of. I'm now in day 5 and I have to say that today is much better than the past 4. It seems to be getting easier, I'm not having as much hunger pains. This weekend will be hard though. Have you tried Unjury protein powder? The unflavored is really good, you can add it to anything and it has no taste and there is 20 gms of protein in one scoop. Good Luck!
The program I am in requires the high protien liquid diet 2 weeks prior to surgery, as well. This is standard for their program. Partially to help get used to the first stage post-op.
I just got word thursday eve that my surgery was moved up from 02/24 to 02/11. I had to start the liquid diet immediately starting Friday, 02/04, cold turkey. It has been a struggle,but will be worth it. I think the mental aspect of not chewing and crunching is the most difficult. Major sensory deprevation going on. I expect it will get better and rejoice that it will be for one week instead of the 2.
Hang in there and know that many of us know and understand where you are coming from and what you are going through.