Surgery for 2/9/05
Hello, I'm new to posting anything on this website. I'm Jodie, 32 years old, mother of 2 and having RNY on the 9th. I'm excited about it, but have been here before. I was scheduled for surgery on 12/29/04, but the day before the surgery, it was cancelled because of a bad Chest X-ray. After many other x-rays, cat-scans and a mediastinoscopy (a biopsy where they cut open my throat to get samples of my enlarged lymph nodes from my lungs), I was cleared for surgery after finding out I have something called Sarcoidosis disease. It is asymptomatic, so I feel nothing relating to the disease. Now after all of that, my surgery is back on for 2/9/05. I'm not getting too nervous, because I was here before. I think I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I really want/need to have the surgery. I want to be able to play with my kids, run around with them. There are so many reasons why I look forward to this surgery. Anyone want to talk to me? Going through the same jitters?
Hi Jodi, I am experiencing the same jitters right now. My surgery is scheduled for 2/7/05. I also have a 4 year old little girl who I intend on having a very active and exciting summer with once I'm on the loosing side. She played a major role in me making this decision. Try and remain positve, and remember everything happens for a reason, it just wasn't th eright time for you before. I'm sure everything will be smooth sailing. Please stay in touch and let me know how everything is going.
Hi Jodi {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Let me start by saying Congrats to your up coming surgery.
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I just posted about it in the NY room.
I was just listening to Jennifer Lopez [my idol :haha] And I stated to cry.
That is like a happy club song. I also started to cry the other day when I hear 50 cent song Da club.
I just start to cry when I think about how much my life is going to change. But when I think about all the wonderful things I'm going to do it makes me so happy.
It's ok to feel what you feel.
If you need someone to talk to you. Please feel free to e mail me.

Thank you all for your good thoughts. I'm getting better today with the jitters. The surgery is the best option for me. I just can't wait to be able to play with my kids. My kids (1 yr, and 3 1/2 yrs) mean everything to me, and I want to show them a good example of eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. That's just one thing I hope to gain from this experience. No more junking on bad foods. Ok, I'm rambling on now. It's snowing out here in New Jersey and I'm waiting to see if my daughter has pre-school today. Snow days are always fun playing in the snow.
Why did all of you decide to do the surgery?
My surgery is also scheduled for 2/9/05. I'm scared, anxious and excited all at once. I just want it over, lol
I went to have it done on the 26th of Jan, but I had started getting a cold and they didn't want to do it, so I went throught all the jitters and going to the hospital just to be sent home. Now I have to do that all over again, lol. Not looking forward to that part, but I am looking forward to having it done and over with. I will think about you and pray that all goes well for you.!!
Hi Jodie,
Wow, I haven't been on this sight in a very long time and I don't even know what possessed me to get on this morning. Maybe I am meant to give you some encouragement.
On Feb. 20th, I will be 3 years post-op from GBS (RNY). I just turned 40 and I feel great.
I went from 250 lbs. to 125. Size 20 to size 2. I have had GREAT success and I know you will do fine. Just keep in mind that you have to look at the big picture. You will be uncomfortable for a few days but try to focus on how you will feel in 30 days. I used to get myself worked up and upset over not feeling great during my first few post op weeks. My girlfriend kept reminding me to focus on a date 30 days in the future. She guaranteed me would not only feel better, I'd look better! You will too. This really helped me and I hope you can get some use out of it.
Good luck to you. See ya on the other side!