surgery date
Woo-hoo! My date approaches - 2/10/05! I am excited and scared at the same time. Not too scared about the actual surgery - I have had two major sugeries in the past, and aside from finding out I am allergic to morphine during the last surgery (severe itching all over my body), they went fine. I am more scared about afterwards - all of the recovery part and making sure I don't get dehydrated and follow all the rules for post-op and recovery. I know I will do it, but it is the unknown. I have tons of information about what I may expect and what the doctors expect for after surgery. But I still just don't know what I will feel like afterwards, ya know?
I am a nurse and so I really don't sweat the medical stuff too much. It is more "what is my life going to be like afterwards?" Obviously I am doing this to increase my quality of life, so I hope that will happen (and quickly). Anyway, I am sure it will all be fine. It is cool to have a whole group of people who are all having surgery in Feb.
My birthday is 2/9, so my "new re-birthday" will be close to my old birthday (easy to remember). I love to celebrate occasions, so I am sure I will find ways to celebrate yearly (and montly in the beginning, just like you do with an infant!).
Well, it is late and I gotta go to bed.
Great to talk to everyone here!
One week, Cris! I know you are excited.
Mine is the day after yours, and I have some of the same feelings as you. I'm a nurse, too, and I don't worry about the surgery or the post-op. It's the rest of my life that I wonder about.
I'm guessing we'll do just fine.
Be sure to update us here on how you are doing. I'm hoping this group stays active as we progress through our new lives so we can offer support and compare notes. It's a nice group here.
Jeanie in MO
DS 02/11/05
"Duodenal Switch: My New Beginning"