My surgery date is 02-07-2005
hello, my name is Lisa M. I am new to this site. I t joined this site today. I must say, I like it. I am 451 pounds, and I am so ready to do this. I am excited, but nervous..........(smile) I also wanted to ask, I want to do my own web page on here with my pictures, my journey and stuff,,,,, how do I do this????
Hi, Lisa! Your surgery day is almost here. Welcome to the OH site. This is a great place.
For your profile page, if you want someone to help you set it up, you will need to send e-mail to
[email protected] and you will receive an auto-reply telling you what you need to give them to set it up for you. It will take awhile for them to get to it after you send back the information - a few weeks, maybe - but they do a great job.
While you are waiting, you might want to find a free photo hosting site to put your pictures on so they can be added to your page when you want. I think Picturetrail and Webshots are free. I'm sure there are others.
If you want your picture to show up next to your posts on the message boards, you can find instructions here:
I hope this helps.

God Bless....dont worry all is ok....!!!!!