February 15th Surgery Club...
I was reading through the "sorted by surgery date" thread, and there are a TON of people in my group having surgery on February 15th!
I'd like to join that club - I'm having open RNY on the 15th at Barix Clinics here in Columbus, Ohio.
How is everyone in the 2/15 group? Preparing for surgery? Shopping for clear liquids and protein powders?
17 days and counting for us!

I'm having surgery on 2/15 too. I have not bought anything for coming home yet. I'm going to make one big list and head to BJ's Wholesale Club. I've been so busy buying stuff for my pre-surgery weight loss that I've put off buying the post-surgery stuff. My first appt with surgeon was in December and he told me I had to lose between 10-15 pounds. I've lost 15 now, so I'm set with that just have to keep it off for 2 more weeks.
I would love to join a club if you get one started! Good luck to you and the rest of the February surgery members as you prepare for the next steps!
Take Care,

Four of us already, just on this message board!
I think we're all doing well, but Sandy, you win the award for being the most prepared pre-op!
I haven't bought any food yet, but I'm planning on getting some unflavored protein powder to add to broth during my clear liquid phase. I'm also going to get some Isopure protein drinks - they're clear and can be mixed with Crystal Light to improve the taste a bit.
I won't be on full liquids for two weeks after surgery, so I'm not planning to buy too much food to start. I don't think I'll be too hungry.
Right now, I'm focused on the majors (getting an ID bracelet, getting a reclining chair, and getting caught up on my homework)! I will be officially telling my professors and employer about my surgery date this week, so fingers crossed that everyone is supportive about the time.
Has anyone had pre-op testing yet? I'm nervous about it and would love a preview to help prepare myself.

I had my pre-op testing last week. The took 15 tubes of blood!
I had a chest Xray, EKG, and ultrasound. I was pretty shocked with that many tubes of blood taken - but I guess it's all for a good reason.
Just question from other post - you say you keep gaining weight. You didn't have to lose weight prior to surgery? I was told to lose between 10-15 pounds. Surgeon said it makes surgery must easier; the liver shrinks and there is more room in there for them to move around. He said diet and exercise were critical before surgery.
Just think 14 days to go!!! Two weeks from tonight our surgeries should be all over!

Greetings everyone,
Wow only 16 more days. It was a whole year ago when I was counting down the long wait for the surgeon appointment.
I have bought all of the liquids, jellos, puddings, vitamins, broth, baby food(LOL). I am now looking into the protein shakes. I will be starting them right away.
soon guys we will on the losing side. wooo... hooo...
Good luck everyone!!!

I am from Delaware, Ohio just north of Columbus (but now I live in Arlington, VA.) I will also be having surgery February 15th at George Washington University Hospital.
I went this morning for my ultrasound and upper GI. I just can't wait till this is all over! I keep gaining and gaining...it will feel so good to keep losing and losing.
Never wanted to be a loser so bad in my life!
Best wishes to all,
Cara W.