Holy Anxiety, Batman!!
I think my brain is overheated. I've had several surgeries in my life, and I've never been this anxious. I think my brain doesn't know how to handle that I'm looking forward to the surgery.
Always before, there was a quiet resignation that I needed the procedure, or it was an emergency and I didn't have time to get worked up.
I have a relaxation CD that only does so much. I can't spend the next 2 weeks listening to that 24/7.
What do you do to calm yourself?

HMMM... maybe tell yourself that this surgery is needed too! My surgery is 3 days after yours and believe me, I feel the same way! Time moves slow and the more waiting I have to do, the crazier I become. I think I need to purchase one of those relaxation CD's! Any help is better than none!

hi jeannie i think you are the one who sent me a e mail my surgery is 2-9-05 and i am not nervous at all and everytime something bad comes in my mind i just pu**** out and think of something else good luck who is doing your surgery i will see dr. lindsay in franklin indiana but i live in anderson i am on disability from the post office. anyway if that was you thank you for the e mail and good luck to you and see you when you are a BIG LOOSER.
p.s. how do you get them little people to jump around on the screen?
That was me. I'm on disability, too. I hate it.
When you post a message, there are blue links to click on in the far right column. One has images to add to your title, and the other has images you can add to your post, like
It shows you what to type in to get the image you want. For the jumping thing, you type (without the spaces in between) : jump :

Dear Jeanie,
I will be having surgery next Tues. a.m.(2/1/05) and I have had my share of anxiety. Fortunately, it isn't the greatest stress I have every had in my life but I can't lie that I have had one or two sleepless nights restling this decision.
The only major surgery I have had is gall bladder removal two years ago and it was a welcome relief after being sick for 9 months. I probably would have taken the thing out myself if I had to wait a day longer! But as you stated, these are different emotions than someone experiences with other surgeries.
One way I have dealt with this waiting period is by "decluttering" my house. I am a "Flylady" fan (www.flylady.net) and have busied myself with her daily e-mail helping me better organize my life and physical surroundings. Just a few minutes ago, I checked my list of mandantory items that I wanted to accomplish before surgery and there is only one item left, a written book report my 9 yr old daughter needs to complete by 2/15/05. I feel pretty good about this! I am feeling way too relaxed this evening! My daughter is in cheerleading and we'll be attending a competition tomorrow, but the next two days will be spend just enjoying my husband and kids.
I also believe the Lord would not have brought me through all the testing and other "hoops" we all go through if it wasn't for my well being and HIS greater purpose. My only other suggestion is to be kind to yourself, you deserve it!
Best Wishes
Hi Jeanie,
My surgery is on Feb 7, and I too have had a terrible time with anxiety. I have not been sleeping well either. I have also really tried to concentrate on the good aspects of what is to come. I guess that I am getting through by trying to be strong.? I have given up my worry and fear, as I know that if Feb 7 is my day to go, it will happen no matter where I am- OR or I-75. I cleared my schedule to be with my family uninterrupted next week, and feel good that we will have that time. Then, I will truly remember why I am having this done.
Praying for you! Michell
I love the title of this thread! hehehehe! You gave me a good laugh!
I have become remarkably calm over the last day or two. It doesn't help that my ex-husband keeps calling me and telling me that it's not right that I'm going alone, and that I really should have someone go, and who will advocate for me if something goes wrong, and saying that maybe all these people I'm corresponding with are just working for the doctor, and on and on and on. I told him to just SHUT UP
and leave me alone! This is the last thing I need!
Strangely, I've lost my appetite almost completely. Boy is that a first!
Jenny in Jamaica
Dr. Aceves; lap RNY; Feb 5, 2005

Gee, he sounds like a fun guy. Not. Maybe that's his way of caring.
My appetite has diminished, too. I've started stocking the shelves with a few things I want to try when I get home: deviled ham, refried beans, pudding, SpaghettiOs, grape juice, Crystal Light, beef jerky, and almonds. I don't want to get too much because I don't know what will taste good. Normally, I'd have tasted some of the things but I have no urge.
We are leaving here on 2/8, so you may not be posting before then. You are having surgery on a Saturday? We are supposed to have internet access, but the last time I traveled it was S-L-O-W and not worth the effort to try to post. I will try to check in!
I don't have a laptop to take with me (bummer!) So I won't be in email contact probably from Feb 3 to Feb 16. I will be calling a few people to let them know I'm ok, and I imagine I can charm someone into letting me get online for a few minutes! I do have a *very* cute smile!
Jenny in Jamaica
Dr. Aceves; lap RNY; Feb 5, 2005