February 2, 2005.
I know what you mean about it seeming like sooooo long to wait. But we are getting it done!!!!! That is awsome. It is almost real to me now and I can't wait till Feb.
I have been on this road for a LOOOONNNGGG time and am self paying because the insurance won't cover. So no matter how long it seems, I know now that it is at least going to happen. We are gonna be sooo happy and healthy when this is done it will be well worth the wait.
Good luck to you,
Preop 2/9
Dr. Aguirre, Mexico

Dear Lisa B:
We share the same wls date and although it seems far off it is really not. I was scheduled for surgery on 11/16/04 and it was postponed and through this whole ordeal I have had major setbacks but realize that everything happens in its own due time. Stay focused and soon you will find yourself on the other side. Take care.
Carol Pryce