How's everyone doing?
There does not seem to be very much traffic on this board. Not like it used to be when we were all new to having the sugery. I just got my labs back and they are not very good. I have not been taking my supplements like I should, so I have really bad numbers, I have to get myself back on track or I could cause great harm to myself. Other than that, I was married this past May, we are very happy. I started at 350 and got down to 163 last fall but I currently weigh 177, I would love to get back the at least 165, I was really happy there but I tell you, wearing a size 14 is way better than a tight 32!!! To be able to have a beautiful wedding gown in a size 14 was truely amazing.
I have so far had lost about 165lbs give or take and i have since regained 60lbs or so and had another baby. so I have been really trying to get it off. but nothing. I have even put a couple more on since. so I have been looking into a revision maybe to a DS this time cause my dad had that one and is still doing great. Everyone that I know that has had it is doing great.

1 hour bf RNY 398
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129

I am pregnant now and very nervous because I had the surgery 3 years ago. I have gained 5 to 8 pounds in the past month even with exercising but not getting sick or over stuffed feeling when I eat like I was. I found out I am 5 weeks pregnant and weighing in at 175 when I had been fluctuating at 163 to 167. I weight 276 before my surgery and lost down to 153 but then stayed in the 160's range.
Now that I found out I am pregnant my progesterone levels are showing to be low and I had already increased my iron in the past week before I knew I was pregnant. How was your pregnancy? Any complications or things I should be aware of? I have three healthy girls from before my surgery and I was very strong in all three pregnancies. Now I am worried because the dr wants to put me on progesterone pills. I read the paper that came with the pills and it says not to take if pregnant and that it could cause cleft mouth, palett and other things to the fetus even miscarriage. However, the dr prescribed it so I wouldn't miscarry. I am so confused. I am calling the dr tomorrow because she didn't call me friday with my other blood test results to see if my progesterone is stronger. However, I am only five weeks according to the blood test results.
Let me know if you have any ideas that will help me.
Now that I found out I am pregnant my progesterone levels are showing to be low and I had already increased my iron in the past week before I knew I was pregnant. How was your pregnancy? Any complications or things I should be aware of? I have three healthy girls from before my surgery and I was very strong in all three pregnancies. Now I am worried because the dr wants to put me on progesterone pills. I read the paper that came with the pills and it says not to take if pregnant and that it could cause cleft mouth, palett and other things to the fetus even miscarriage. However, the dr prescribed it so I wouldn't miscarry. I am so confused. I am calling the dr tomorrow because she didn't call me friday with my other blood test results to see if my progesterone is stronger. However, I am only five weeks according to the blood test results.
Let me know if you have any ideas that will help me.
I didn't have any thing other then the 60 lbs that I gained and cant seem to loose. dang any way I do love my little one very much and his 1 year birthday was today. All my labs were great and I did eat allot of pro and veg and fruit. I however do not have the dumping on candy and I did eat allot of it. so if you can stay away it is so hard to loose the weight. so anyway congrats try not to worry that put a strain on you and the baby. I know that is easy to say I am not in your shoes but Think positive. and hope all works out for the good. I will keep you in my thoughts and if I can help u any more just let me know. I would start taking prenatales now I take them all the time even when I am not pg cause they have great vit in them. Congrats again.
1 hour bf RNY 398
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129
before Baby 220
goal 160
current 285
need to lose 129

Hi, I haven't stopped by in some time either. I started at 377, lost down to 185, currently about 210. . . not exercising, grazing, doing those things that I know are not good. It is a reminder that indeed it wasn't brain surgery. My brain is still screwed up. I feel great, I do take all of my supplements. I don't think there is anything wrong that getting back to working off more calories than I put in won't take care of. Gave myself a good talking to this am and vowed to start out better today, not waiting for tomorrow. (Monday of course!) Best wishes to you all. It's an incredible journey, we have the tool to help us, we just need to remember what we did early on. It was a honeymoon period wasn't it? For over two years my weight just almost effortlessly fell off. No more. . . alas, I'm going to have to work at it.
Karen C