Memory Loss? Anybody else??
Hey guys, its been awhile since Ive been on here. It looks like were all doing good though, just not as much posting. Probly b/c were so busy living now!
Anyway, my question is this: Is anybody else experiencing short term memory loss? I swear sometimes I feel like Im 90 and Im only 24! Prime example of what Im talking about is going to dial my mothers phone number, which I do EVERY DAY and have for a long time, and I couldnt remember the number! Or going to the next room to get something and once I get there it takes me a minute of staring blankly to figure out exactly what I came to get.
My labs are great, everythings where it should be. My weights a little low, Im 116 and 5'6, but Im working to get back to 125. I take my vitamins religously, get in all my water plus some, doing good on eating, its drivin me nuts! I know that I know these things (does that even make sense? lol) but it takes a lot of thinking to remember these little things. I'm a busy active mom to two girls (5&6) and I like to keep on a halfway decent schedule, its getting harder to do when I cant remember where I put the peanut butter!
Ive got an appointment with my doc, so I'm going to be sure to mention this to her. I just wanted to see if its just me going crazy here!
Well, thanks to anybody that responds. And everybody keep up the great work!
260ish/116 (too low I know)/125
happy, healthy, active, but losin it!
Krystle, you say your labs are fine. What is your B-12 number? Low B-12 will cause memory loss. I've read where many labs show between 200-800 normal and for a normal person it is. For us as WLS patients I have heard it's best to keep our B-12 levels above 1000. Mine was 2000+ at my last labs a couple of weeks ago so I did lower my dosage from 1500 mg to 1000. Might try increasing your B-12 to see what happens.
Hey Dana, My b12 was great too.I cant remember the number (of course lol) but he did tell me that it was on the high end and where he wanted it along with protein, cholesterol, the nice long list that requires them to suck you dry lol!
My doc said I was the healthiest person hes seen in a long time, so thats at least a relief. I guess the exersize is working out, even though I just got approval from my ps to go back to my normal routine as long as I start very slow and very light with the weights for a few months.
Thanks for the idea though. Thankfully my doc is OVERLY thorough in his exams with me, which is fine by me. It may take a little more time and sometimes money, but if theres something that goes wrong hes gonna find it as soon as he can so it can be taken care of. Thats part of the reason I picked him, besides the fact that hes very updated on RNY and was actually reccomended by my surgeon. I was already using him though so that made me feel even safer.
Well now Im rambling, I seem to do that more too lol!
Thanks again Dana. I appreciate any help/advice I can get. Youre always there for everybody and its so great to have you on these boards!
Maybe its not necessarily memory loss but as you first stated in your posting you now have alot going on in your life.
I know that even prior to surgery, when I would have alot of stressful things coming at me, my brain would go into overload and selectively decide what it would retain and what it was giving up to keep the other information in there.
I still go through this phase often because I have more going on in my "now active" lifestyle.
Aren't pens, pencils and post it's great! I would seriously be lost without them.

Diana, thank you for responding and good luck on the plastics! They make a world of difference to your self esteem more than anything!
You know I hadnt even though about that being a possibility, but you could very well have something there. Thanks!
And yes, I carry a purse size notepad and 3 or 4 pens with me EVERYWHERE! Im always writing things, problem is sometimes I forget to go back and look at it lol!
Maybe I should get one of those voice recorders (you know the small ones) and try it out. Hmmm..... I think I'll try that now and keep doing notes and see if the combo helps.
Thanks again! This is such a great board. I always get wonerful support and advice from you guys!
((((((BIG HUGS))))))))