What happened to everybody
It seems like the Februarians from 2/05 have been wiped off the face of the earth. I was just wondering how everyone was doing. Me I am struggling. I am 22 lbs away from goal and have not lost anything in probably two months. I know why, too many carbs. I need to get back on track. So how are you all doing???
Hey I know what you are going through. I have reached my goal but......those darn carbs get me into trouble so often!
I struggle with the same 4 pounds. Up four then down four.
I seem to be eating larger portions and grazing more often. Each week I state that I am going to get back into the groove and end up cheating by lunch time.
One saving grace that I still do very well with is my exercise. I am still walking vigorously 5-7 times a week for about 3 1/2 miles. Its a great start to my morning. The days I don't get out are lousy days that I am so tired.
Well, I can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing. Hope everyone is still visiting this site.
p.s. I finally got some pictures entered into my site!

I've been wondering about everyone too!
For me, things are about the same. I'm not losing anymore, but not gaining either. I eat A LOT, it seems, but I tell myself that as long as I don't gain I'll be OK. I don't really exercise, other than staying on the go at work, so I think if I want to lose a little more I might start walking or something like that. I would like to get to 130 (I'm at 136), but I'm not going to worry about it- 150 was my goal and so I am happy.
Now the next thing I've been thinking about is the tummy tuck. I know I need one--but I feel that it is a distant dream. I might check on it though-I guess it couldn't hurt to find out what it would take to have one.
I hope all is well with everyone!
I've been here checking the board everyday but haven't seen anyone post in awhile. As for me, I reached goal months ago and was scheduled tomorrow (May12) for circumference lift (tummy tuck). I got a call last week and my dr postponed until June 2nd. It was fine with me, gave me time to wrap my head around it was really happening. My insurance has been just great and I will have a breast lift after I am healed from TT. My surgeon said 5 1/2 hrs was enough to deal with for one surgery. I am going to be very unhappy for a few weeks.
I am sure it will be worth it.
Hope everyone else is doing good. I did however eat 1/2 cup of Haagen Daz last night and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. My heart was pounding from the sugar.

hi diane:
i've been checking in, too, and wondering why all the posting stopped. maybe this is how a board dies? lack of attention.
mostly i've been checking in with the bmi over 50 board. i started at a much higher weight and am only now reaching the point at which many of my fellow febbers started. the issues i deal with have alot to do with the longevity of my surgery. that's ok - i knew going in it would take alot longer - but it's kinda hard to read about people who are at or near goal when i still have close to 100 lbs to lose yet.
i have also been struggling with my foot. had the surgery in march and finally will be (fingers crossed) getting the boot off of it this coming monday. then i can begin again with walking and getting more movement into my days.
but i hope everyone here is doing well and enjoying their new selves. i know that i am, even with all the difficulties in the past year or so, i wouldn't trade having had wls for anything.
happy mom's day. and have a great weekend.

Hey Diane, yep I check here everyday too, figure everyone must be really enjoying life cause this board is slow,
I'm doing well, still maintaining between 121-124....when I see 124 I get more serious, I don't want to hit 125 lbs, it scares the heck out of me.
I to can eat more food now, especially carbs or say cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. The other day I was amazed what I ate and me being anal, decided to really see how much I could eat if I ate dense protein. So dinner that night was a small pork loin chop, 2 1/2 oz, I was stuffed it was too much and I should have stopped sooner.
Although we can eat more I am sure you are eating way less than you did before surgery, try a meal of just meat, weigh it and see.....I bet it isn't much.
Remember carbs make you want more carbs. Always make the carb in your meal the last thing (now I'm not talking vegetables....but white carbs). Basicially I fill myself up with meat, a couple of bites of vegetables and a taste of another carb if I have room, which is rarely.
I'm not saying I'm perfect, far from that, but I have so much more control now as a post-op to do what I know is right....slip ups are common, we're human and not perfect but the tool is there and control is up to us.
Glad to see you and the others posting....let's try to remain active on the board when time allows.

Hey! I am so glad to hear you all are still around! I've been waiting for some activity to happen on this site. Like you all I've been busy, selling our house and getting ready to move. I do think about you all and wonder how things are going since surgery.Everyone is looking good and I suppose you are feeling good too! My husband is doing well after his surgery in Jan, he is almost at goal - 100 lbs lost forever!!!!! Yeah - I have a new man! I too have slipped some but I am maintaining most of the time - carbs are easier to grab when I'm on the go - but I am trying to do better and I know I will. TAke care and enjoy Spring.
I check the board everyday too...I am also struggling...I can't seem to lose anymore...I keep fighting with the same 4lbs up and down...I too no its the carbs and the stress of everyday life I start to munch. I keep saying I gotta get back to the program...I think we need to start keeping each other accountable...