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Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Hi Lee -
I'm here. Hating the heat and humidity. I think this is the hottest central PA summer since 1989.
I'm very pooped today. I'm at work (shhhh) and trying to get through everything I need to do...which is a struggle in itself.
I'm not very obsessed about my weight these days. I'm hovering at around 198-202. That's ok with me. I wish I knew exactly what my highest weight ever was. I think it was about 370 during my pregnancy. Their scales went up to 350 - what a bunch of crap.
I hope everyone is doing well, including you, Lee.
take care
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Thank You Mary for the info. I'm trying to decide which 3 days would work best for me... I'm lactose intolerant, and even if I use the Lactaid milk, the whey is milk based. I'll be in the bathroom. I think maybe Thursday,Friday and Sat. are my best bet, so I can be close to home. I don't want to be at Church Wed. or Sunday and have that problem. I wouldn't be anyone's friend. LOL
I really need to shrink my pouch again.
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
I'm here.
Usually try to check in at least once a day. It has been awfully quiet around here!
I've been fighting the same 3 pounds since December. The rascals just don't want to let go!
I do have some added incentive, though, to up the fight... my husband and I are taking my mother-in-law to Hawaii the end of October (she's 81). I sure would like to get at least 15 pounds off by then. I'm not looking forward to the flight home (night time flight). Mark, the girls and I went to Hawaii 5 years ago and the flight home was miserable. I figure, the more I can get off by then, the more comfortable I'll be on the plane.
Haven't heard anything yet from the insurance company about my youngest's approval for Lap RNY. Will let ya'll know as soon as I find out.
Take care.......Wanda

Topic: RE: Roll Call....
I'm here, I'm here.
Life has been a bit busy for us the last couple of months with moving into the new home and getting settled. Now things are starting to settle down and getting into a normal routine.
My weight is still holding its own, not budging. However I am still exercising and trying to eat properly on a daily basis (not always successful, but making pretty good choices).
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
I went to a support group meeting for people who were a minimum of 1 year out from surgery. Many stated that if they did a 3 day protein fast (only protein drinks and water) that they felt their stomach returned to the smaller pouch size and limited their intake of food. I know from the UCLA list I belong to that those that did this protein fast for approximately 1 week had dumping symtoms return which allowed them to start over and avoid the sugary items etc.
The protein fast is basically what you ate right after surgery IF you were on total liquids. One of the ladies had asked her surgeon and he said the fast was OK to do too.
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Good Morning!
I'm still alive and keeping this weight off. My appetite has also returned and it is a struggle to keep this weight off, but I will do it. One day at a time. One thing for sure is I will never be able to eat like I did before surgery. That is a great thing. My husband and I are both healthy and active. It is wonderful being able to get around without carrying around an extra person. I actually lost 200 pounds all and all.
Have a great summer! Susan
Topic: RE: Junk Food disagree with your system??
Do you still have your gall bladder? If yes, my early symptoms were gas, bloating, diahhrea, stomach pains.
Higher fat food can cause the symtoms too that you are experiencing. Also sugar and sugar alcohols can do the same thing.
Many people after WLS become lactose intolerant and that cause the exact same problems too. So many food products contain milk/dairy or milk/dairy derivatives in them. If you are lactose intolerant, even a small amount can trigger problems.
Definitely not going to flame you, instead am sending you compassion and understanding. I understand emotional/stress eating. I have done it too. I try to keep those things out of the house so they are not as tempting to me. Also if it is something that will make me not feel well (like sugar free chocolate loaded with sugar alcohols), I remind myself that it is NOT worth the aftermath of not feeling well.
Topic: RE: Depression
I'm sorry you are having this set back. I think all of us women understand your *needing/wanting* another baby. It was so consuming for me,when I wanted my third child. BTW I had my baby girl when I was 37. It was unexpected, but what a joy. Don't cut yourself short at 30. I have a friend who had to go the invitro route and had twins at 40. What precious gifts they are. Don't give up, if it is what you want.
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Hi Lee,
I'm here... I'm healing from my surgeries. I'm not completely where I want to be with the TT, but I have read it takes at least 6 months to see the final results and as much as a year. Plastic surgery is not a cure all for all the things we have going on in our heads, just as GBP wasn't the cure for our weight. My appetite has returned with a vengeance. I really have to keep in check what I eat and the amounts. I'm able to eat a whole sandwhich(- the crust) that is scary.
Other than that Life is really good. I hope you and the other members are enjoying life and that is what keeps us away from the board.