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Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Hey Deb...I was looking to you guys to help figure out the motivation for me!! Last Feb, when Joanne shared her protein plan with us she was so excited and dedicated that it rubbed off on me right through the computer!! I lost around 15 pounds then. After the third day the carb cravings were gone. I don't know the trick to stay away from those pesky carbs.
If I get motivated you will be the first to know!!

Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Let me know when you find the motivation for the protien feast. I'm really scaring myself with my appetite.
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Good afternoon family,
I'm here. May I say I hate is a nasty, painful life changing problem. Whenever I have a compression fracture in my back (ok only 3 times so far) I lose height. Not fair because now I am 5'3" and was 5'4" the day of surgery (5'4 3/4" at consultation visit). So me being so obsessive-compulsive feel I need to lose 5 more pounds. But, my body is not going to budge from 122-127!!
Maintenance is frustrating as my appetite is back and those devil carbs call my name constantly. I know if I ate one piece of candy that I would be in big trouble. So far I have not felt any cravings for my beloved chocolate....oh M&M's yum.
I would love to try that 3 day protein feast and take that time also to reflect about my journey to get myself back securely on track. But I just cannot seem to get myself motivated to do so. So, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what's the trick?

Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Hi Joanne -
I'll have to check out the board you suggest.
You shouldn't feel bad about some weight gain. we are all emotional people, which means we are emotional eaters - myself included. You've been through a lot and you walk delicately with depression on your back - that's a lot to carry around.
You've been such a bright spot to so many of us and you are inspiring. Don't let yourself get down. You can lose it and more - I know you can.
Chin up!
Topic: RE: Depression
I can sympthaize with you I was told about 18 years ago I probably never have children because I had lost one tube because of a cyst and the other had scar tissue and I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease. Well low and behold I was put on a drug for one month that is used as a fertilaty drug (sp?) to stop a period that wouldn't stop and without trying I became pregnant about 4 months later while also taking birth control pills to control my period. So don't give up hope miracles do happen.
You might look into foster care my sister does that in the last 4 years she has had 6 kids that have been put up for adoption 4 of them less than a year old.
Well my 13lb weight gain is now 20lbs. I must have miscalculated before although I did gain some since I last posted.
Your post has made me feel better. But what was it that I said to help you back on track? I need you to throw these words back in MY face.
My part time job is taking on a full time roll. I do about 20 hours a week doing graphic design for my boss and 10-15 hours a week doing clerical stuff for him (at a different rate
Life does seem so overwhelming. It never ends. Just this year alone I had my son graduate, go to europe(stress!!!), he's moving out, starting college (I'm fighting to get him in with a grant), getting his license (I am teaching him to drive), renovating a trailer on our property, going back to work, worrying more and more about money. That was not a problem before. Food has become my comfort through all of this.
I went on ritalin for adult ADD and upped my wellbutrin. This is causing anxiety, irritability, anger, frustration. I may have to go off of it and then I am back to the old way of not concentrating or accomplishing things. I lose either way.
Dan and I are doing great. That is the one constant through all of this.

Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Hi Lee.
I am here. Only reason I can be on tonight is because I called out of work today. I did find another board at AMOS and was wondering if any of you have been there.
It is for people further out, like us. It does help to know that others are going through the same things. For me, it is weight gain. I am ashamed to say that I have put on 20lbs in the last 5 months. I am struggling to find myself again. So between this board and the other one (grad board) I am finding what I need... motivation.
Topic: RE: Junk Food disagree with your system??
Hi Rhonda,
I find that I feel terrible when I eat fried foods, AND when I drink milk. I can have a little bit of cheese, but milk or ice cream bothers me. Sugar free products bother me, too. I usually just eat a bit of regular chocolate if I crave it. I don't dump from sugar, but if I have a meal high in carbs, I will break out into a cold sweat, and feel terrible until I eat something with protein. Weird, but true.
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
I am usually a 'lurker", but I have come out of the shadows to respond! I read what Mary wrote about the protein fast; I think I will try that myself. It is so weird... one day I will eat a lot, and the next day, after a few bites, I am stuffed. I know that it is the type of food, but there are big differences in amounts, a the feeling of fullness. I worry about pouch size, too. I think everyone does. I have to admit that I am afraid I will gain weight again. I don't want to go back to 330 pounds...ever! I worked so hard to get to this weight (112). My God, I have lost 218 pounds...But, I don't dump, so I need to be careful. M & Ms are my weakness....
I love this board! I always learn something here. Thanks for the info on the protein fast.
Topic: RE: Roll Call....
Did you realize that there are soy based protein powders/drinks? Also I always make my protein shakes with water not milk. Vitamin Shoppe carries quite a few of the soy based powders and many of them are sold in individual packets so you could get a number of flavors.