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Topic: RE: 9 days away
How wonderful for you. I will keep ya in my thoughts an prayers.
Best wishes, Trish
Topic: 9 days away
My plastic surgery is 9 days away. I will be getting abdominal hernia repairs, TT & brachioplasty. Needless to say, I am terrified & thrilled at the same time. This is a 7 hour surgery. I pray that all goes well. I'm not looking to have a 20 year old body, just an easier time getting into shirts & jeans. If this round of PS goes well, I hope to have the thighs & boobs done next year around this time. GOTTA SAVE THOSE PENNIES!!!!
Debbie -155 lbs

Topic: RE: It never crossed my mind
Sending you lots of hugs and you will be in my prayers too.
Topic: Curves 6 week program
Hi Everyone.
Has anyone tried, is gonna try or know anything about the new Curves 6 week program that combines diet and exercise? What do you think?
Topic: RE: It never crossed my mind
My heart goes out to you and so do my prayers. You licked the cancer before, you can do it again if need be. We are all here for you.
Topic: It never crossed my mind
Hi all,
I had a bone scan last Friday what with all these metabolic problems I have been experiencing and falling and breaking my bones. Well, I was shocked with the results. Yes, it shows 7 ribs that appear to be fractured, and yes my prosthesis appears to be well seated in my hip, and yes all those degenerative changes were seen in wrists, shoulders, knees. But, it also shows 6 ribs in the back on the left side and 1 rib in front on the right side have round areas that are suspicious for metastatic cancer. Here at 7 years out from the diagnosis and gruelling treatment of breast cancer I thought I had it beat. I have had no symptoms or at least I haven't recognized any signs of returned cancer.
At first I was praying that these abnormal areas on my bone scan not to be cancer lesions...and that could happen. Now I pray for strength should the diagnosis be metastatic cancer (those 2 words soo frighten me) to accept the diagnosis and get through the treatment. So please I would like to ask you to pray for me and my family.
Have a great weekend,

Topic: RE: Fibermyalgia
We had a Dr. speak to our support group that treats fibromyalgia with cymbalta a new antidepresant that works on the nerve endings and is also used to treat diabetic neuropathy. I have been on it for about a month now and am starting to notice some relief. My Dr. told me therapudic dose for pain relief in most patients is 90 mgs and takes 3 weeks to reach that dose. I am only taking 60 mgs at this time since I usually don't need as much as most people do and will stay at this dose for another month or so before I go back to the Dr to increase if I need to.
Topic: RE: Do ya wanna see?
Thank you all for your replies. I'm always a little nervous to let people see pictures.
Even though that was a tough race for me to do (the first 2 miles were uphill and I had to stop and walk twice), I'm starting to feel like I'm in better shape again. After the week off from my husband's problems in late June, it has taken quite a while to get back to where I was before all that. I did finally have a good run the other day - the kind where I run and feel like I could run forever. Those are the days that make all the other ones worthwhile.
Thanks again for all your kind words!